Writing Nuke C++ Plugins (NDK) – Part 4 – Custom Knobs, GL Handles, and the Table Knob

In this fourth part of our introduction to the Nuke Development Kit (NDK), we’ll dive deeper into advanced knob functionality. We’ll explore how to create custom knobs, implement custom OpenGL handles in the viewer, and work with the powerful table knob. These techniques will allow you to create more sophisticated and user-friendly plugins for Nuke. [...]

By |2024-12-22T05:00:34+00:00December 22nd, 2024|Nuke, Tutorials|0 Comments

Writing Nuke C++ Plugins (a.k.a. the NDK) – Part 3 – Engine and pixel engine functions.

In this new chapter of the NDK tutorial, we will look into op engines and pixel engines. These functions process your image data and are used in most plugins. We will also briefly cover in_channels and _request which are useful secondary functions you use to ensure your op functions properly. Using your combined knowledge of [...]

By |2024-08-13T07:49:05+00:00August 13th, 2024|Nuke, Tutorials|0 Comments

Making 3D Lightning in Nuke using Blinkscript.

When Foundry introduced Blinkscript for Nuke, I thought there would be an explosion of new tools being created by the community, in the way that Matchbox did for Flame. While a few select users embraced it, the learning curve is a bit steep, and the learning resources scarce. Many compositors have asked me to write [...]

By |2020-01-25T06:59:58+00:00January 25th, 2020|Nuke, Tutorials|12 Comments

Make a custom advanced Keyer using STMap.

Even though it’s the compositor’s bread and butter, Keying can still be a particularly painful subject. I’ve been pulling keys for over a decade, yet it is often scarier than comping a full CG realistic shots with projected matte paintings and volumetric smoke. One can never have too many tools on their belt for pulling [...]

By |2023-06-11T18:53:14+00:00June 24th, 2019|Nuke, Tutorials|20 Comments
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