One task compositors are often asked to complete is to create a starry night sky. Whether you are working on an Epic Space Odyssey or the newest Rom-Com miniseries, you might be asked to sprinkle some stars in the sky. Some directors are a bit pickier than others, and you might be asked to ensure the constellations visible are appropriate for the geographic location and time of year. I’ve seen many techniques used, and I wondered if I could achieve something decent using the PointRender. In this post and the next, I will break-down my (still ongoing as of the time of writing) journey.
Since PointRender is a paid Gizmo, I can’t include it with the tool, so I decided instead to keep it modular and design a gizmo that will orient your camera in the world in such a way that it will look at the right part of the sky, and that modified camera can then be used with PointRender (we’ll see in part 2 how to load accurate stars in there) or with Maas Digital’s Starpro (which is a cool plugin for stars but requires you to orient your camera yourself). You could even use it with a good old latlong map on a sphere and a scanlineRender if you’d like to keep it free (but I wouldn’t recommend it).
As always, before starting to write the actual tool, a quick check-list of the requirements is a good idea:
- Needs to orient the sky accurately: This is dependent on location, date, and time.
- Should accept any Nuke camera as input, and output a new camera oriented properly in space (literally).
- Probably needs a way to indicate the North as well.
- The time of day will just be UTC to make it easier for me. An extended experiment could be to implement time zones, but out of scope right now.
How to easily enter location data?
The first idea that comes to my mind to let users enter a geographic location is to provide them with a Latitude and a Longitude knob.
While making a Longitude knob which accepts values from -180 to 180, and a Latitude knob that would accept values from -90 to 90 is an acceptable solution, it is not necessarily the best for user experience.
Wouldn’t it be cooler if we could just click on a world map directly, rather than having to google the coordinates of your location?
I think this would be better, so let’s see how to achieve that. This is what we’re going to make:
World Map Knob
That is not a default knob in Nuke, so we’ll have to create a custom knob using QT. Some basic understanding of Python and QT (PySide2) will be required to follow along, as I will not cover the fundamentals, but I will do my best to keep the narration accessible to even beginners.
Nuke’s PyCustom_Knob
Nuke offers a Knob called PyCustom_Knob. It doesn’t really do much by itself but is there to allow us to create custom knobs without having to dig into the C++ API.
This knob is not very well documented. There is a short tutorial by Brent Tyler which quickly touches on the subject, a few posts on the nuke forum (this one has really good info if you don’t mind reading through code, but I’ll cover most of it here), and some examples in a few Nukepedia tools such as LUE.
User Interface of LUE, featuring custom color wheels by Mads Hagbarth.
Adding a custom knob on the selected node takes a single (long) line of python:
nuke.selectedNode().addKnob(nuke.PyCustom_Knob("name", "label", "some_code()"))
If you read the PyCustom_Knob entry on the API reference, you will notice that the knob has the “command” and “setCommand” methods, as well as the regular “value” and “setValue” methods. From this, you could conclude that you can independently set the command to run for the knob and the value. Wrong! The command is stored as the knob’s value, and setCommand and setValue seem to be doing the exact same thing. This will cause us a few headaches later, but for now, just remember that the knob’s value contains the code necessary to create the custom widget.
In order to successfully create a custom widget, the minimum you need to do is create a python class with a makeUI method.
from PySide2 import QtWidgets # Create a simple class class SimpleClass(object): def makeUI(self): return QtWidgets.QPushButton('Test') # Create a NoOp node on which we'll add the knob node = nuke.createNode("NoOp") knob = nuke.PyCustom_Knob("test", "Test", "SimpleClass()") node.addKnob(knob)
As long as your makeUI method returns a QWidget or a subclass of it, you’ll now see the widget appear in the properties panel.
You might also notice in your terminal:
AttributeError: 'PySide2.QtWidgets.QPushButton' object has no attribute 'updateValue'
Nuke is expecting the QT widget to have a method called “updateValue”, which it is calling after is calls the main class’s makeUI method. You could think of it as nuke doing:
exec(knob.value()).makeUI().updateValue() #This makes me wince a bit
It is doing this every time you open the properties panel for the node containing the knob. This means every time you show the knob, it will actually be a new instance of the class. It doesn’t seem to call these functions at any other time, so I am not too sure what advantage having these methods provides over putting code in the __init__, I’m wondering if maybe Foundry originally had bigger plans for the knob and that somehow it got cut short. A working piece of code would be something like this:
from PySide2 import QtWidgets # Subclass QT Button class MyButton(QtWidgets.QPushButton): def updateValue(self): return # Create a simple class class SimpleClass(object): def makeUI(self): return MyButton('Test') # Create a NoOp node on which we'll add the knob node = nuke.createNode("NoOp") knob = nuke.PyCustom_Knob("test", "Test", "SimpleClass()") node.addKnob(knob)
Once the objects have been created, they can be accessed using:
Because the code is only run when the knob needs to be shown, your object will not have been created if the knob was never shown. Also due to QT’s garbage collection, the QT object will get destroyed as soon as the properties are closed, and as we have seen above, a new instance of your object gets created every time, which makes this whole ordeal quite unsuitable for storing data.
On top of that, you may remember earlier I mentioned that the code to run is stored as our knob’s value, so how do we store the actual value that we’re interested in?
Storing our custom knob’s value
So far, I have used a button as an example. What if we now want to make a custom SpinBox instead:
from PySide2 import QtWidgets # Notice that we can actually condense the 2 classes into a single one if we return self in makeUI class MyBox(QtWidgets.QSpinBox): def __init__(self): super(MyBox, self).__init__() self.setSuffix(" Frame of Roto") def updateValue(self): return def makeUI(self): return self # Create a NoOp node on which we'll add the knob node = nuke.createNode("NoOp") knob = nuke.PyCustom_Knob("todo", "To Do:", "MyBox()") node.addKnob(knob)
This is visually functional, but really that Spin Box doesn’t do anything. Also, notice how if you set a value, close the properties, and re-open them, the value will go back to 0.
While there is a hack that allows you to store the values directly without creating other knobs, I believe the most reliable way to handle this is to use a regular knob to store value. You can pick the most suitable knob for the job. In this situation, an Int_Knob would be perfect. Also, to avoid confusion, I like to make the storage knob invisible if the user isn’t meant to interact with it directly.
from PySide2 import QtWidgets class MyBox(QtWidgets.QSpinBox): def __init__(self, node): super(MyBox, self).__init__() self.node = node self.setSuffix(" Frame of Roto") self.valueChanged.connect(self.store_value) def updateValue(self): self.setValue(self.node.knob('storage_knob').value()) def store_value(self, value): # This could be named anything I want self.node.knob('storage_knob').setValue(value) def makeUI(self): return self # Create a NoOp node on which we'll add the knobs node = nuke.createNode("NoOp") storage = nuke.Int_Knob('storage_knob') storage.setFlag(nuke.INVISIBLE) node.addKnob(storage) knob = nuke.PyCustom_Knob("todo", "To Do:", "MyBox(nuke.thisNode())") node.addKnob(knob)
Okay, I have added quite a bit at once, but here are the key points:
- Lines 21 to 23: I added a hidden knob
- Line 24: Notice how I changed the code to call “MyBox(nuke.thisNode())”. When Nuke creates the custom knob, it will now pass the nuke node to the object’s init method.
- Line 4: My init method now accepts a node argument.
- Line 6: I store the node passed as an argument as self.node. This means the node is now accessible from any method of my class (yeah I hear the guys in the back saying “Not on static methods”, let’s not get there).
- Line 13: I added a method that can store an arbitrary value onto our newly added storage knob.
- Line 8: I connect the valueChanged QT signal to the new store_value method. This means every time we change the value of the widget, it will change the value of the hidden knob.
- Line 11: In the updateValue method that nuke calls every time we open nuke, I read the value from the hidden knob and set it on the widget.
That’s about it, the custom knob can now store and retrieve values, and it should be robust enough to be able to copy and paste the node, or even save the nuke script, close it, and re-open it.
As long as you don’t close nuke… do not close nuke… do not crash…
Surviving a restart of Nuke
If you do close nuke, upon re-opening your script, you will be greeted with the error:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "string", line 1, in module; NameError: name 'MyBox' is not defined
The problem we are having here is that our tool calls a class named “MyBox”, but that doesn’t exist until we run our code to define that class.
Now comes our first big architecture question: Do we want to make the tool self-contained, or do we require installation?
Both methods would solve the issue and have pros and cons. I’ll go quickly over both methods so you can make your own decision when the time comes.
Self contained code
The idea with the self-contained code would be that you include the whole class definition directly in the knob, for example:
# Create a NoOp node on which we'll add the knobs node = nuke.createNode("NoOp") storage = nuke.Int_Knob('storage_knob') storage.setFlag(nuke.INVISIBLE) node.addKnob(storage) knob = nuke.PyCustom_Knob("todo", "To Do:", """ from PySide2 import QtWidgets class MyBox(QtWidgets.QSpinBox): def __init__(self, node): super(MyBox, self).__init__() self.node = node self.setSuffix(" Frames of Roto") self.valueChanged.connect(self.store_value) def updateValue(self): self.setValue(self.node.knob('storage_knob').value()) def store_value(self, value): # This could be named anything I want self.node.knob('storage_knob').setValue(value) def makeUI(self): return self MyBox(nuke.thisNode())""") node.addKnob(knob)
Sadly, this fails, as the code in the knob is being evaluated by python not executed (see exec vs eval for details). In short, that means we need a python one-liner. We could try defining the class in an onCreate knob (I haven’t tried what would happen in a non-GUI session with the PySide imports, but it might be okay and shorter, if you try let me know) but the suggested way in the forum thread is to define the class in a hidden python button and have another PyCustom_Knob to execute the button before running our real PyCustom_Knob. That’s a mouthful, so let’s put that in code:
# I put all my definition code into a multiline string (using """) the_code = """from PySide2 import QtWidgets class MyBox(QtWidgets.QSpinBox): def __init__(self, node): super(MyBox, self).__init__() self.node = node self.setSuffix(" Frame of Roto") self.valueChanged.connect(self.store_value) def updateValue(self): self.setValue(self.node.knob('storage_knob').value()) def store_value(self, value): # This could be named anything I want self.node.knob('storage_knob').setValue(value) def makeUI(self): return self """ # Create a NoOp node on which we'll add the knobs node = nuke.createNode("NoOp") # Storage knob as previously storage = nuke.Int_Knob('storage_knob') storage.setFlag(nuke.INVISIBLE) node.addKnob(storage) # A hidden python script button button = nuke.PyScript_Knob('class_definitions', '', the_code) button.setFlag(nuke.INVISIBLE) node.addKnob(button) # A PyCustom knob that will execute the button init_knob = nuke.PyCustom_Knob("initialization", "", "nuke.thisNode()['class_definitions'].execute()") node.addKnob(init_knob) # Our real knob that will execute AFTER the init knob knob = nuke.PyCustom_Knob("todo", "To Do:", "MyBox(nuke.thisNode())") node.addKnob(knob)
As I mentioned previously, this code is being executed evaluated every time we open the properties, so we would basically be re-defining the whole class every time. In this case, it is fairly fast, but for heavier code, it could end up taking some time. There are ways to ensure the definition code only runs once. In the nuke forum post linked above, Wouter Gilsing suggests adding a variable, with a condition to check if things have already been initialized. I prefer skipping this variable and directly checking if my class is defined. It’s only one line change in the code above:
init_knob = nuke.PyCustom_Knob("initialization", "", "None if 'MyBox' in globals() else nuke.thisNode()['class_definitions'].execute()")
Luckily Nuke doesn’t complain if our eval returns None in this case, so we can use this to our advantage to skip executing the button. Still, the code/tool became a lot more complicated, adding 2 extra knobs to achieve the desired effect.
- Portability: Anyone opening the nuke script in any Nuke will be able to see your custom knob
- File Size: Every copy of your node in a script will contain a full copy of the required code, which could quickly add to the nk file size.
- Hard to maintain: There are many knobs, each making assumptions of what the other knobs contain. It’s easy to make mistakes, and once the node starts spreading, it’s nearly impossible to do a quick fix to the code.
Both cons could be reduced by wrapping the whole thing into a .gizmo, but that would also reduce portability.
Installing the code in a
The other common method is to define your class in a or another python module and call it a day.
If you were to put the definition of our class definition in your, you wouldn’t need to make too many further changes and it would work perfectly fine… for you.
However, anyone who doesn’t have your class in their would get the error message we got earlier and the custom widget wouldn’t show.
We can mitigate at least the error message by cheating nuke into believing a class was properly created. Ideally, I would prefer to use “MyClass if ‘MyClass’ in globals() else None” but it errors in this case for some reason. I can’t quite wrap my head around why it works above but not here, the only difference being a single custom knob vs two above. The code below assumes that MyBox is defined in the, and swallows the error if it wasn’t.
# Create a NoOp node on which we'll add the knobs node = nuke.createNode("NoOp") storage = nuke.Int_Knob('storage_knob') storage.setFlag(nuke.INVISIBLE) node.addKnob(storage) knob = nuke.PyCustom_Knob("todo", "To Do:", "MyBox(nuke.thisNode()) if 'MyBox' in globals() else type('Dummy', (), {'makeUI': classmethod(lambda self: None)})") node.addKnob(knob)
- File Size: The code isn’t embedded in the nk file, and less knobs are created, keeping the files lighter.
- Easy to maintain: Changing the definition of ‘MyBox’ in the would reflect on all the nodes using this custom knob.
- Safety: Less arbitrary code being run from nodes, easier to control what is happening when the code is legible in a python file rather than stuffed into a string somewhere in a .nk file. Can also be namespaced to avoid accidentally overwriting other classes or variables.
- Portability: Opening the node somewhere the class isn’t defined would not show the knob, which could be problematic for your tool.
My Decision for this widget
Because my custom widget is there for convenience but not fully required, I have decided to go with the second method and requiring an installation. My storage knobs “latitude” and “longitude” will not be hidden, and can be interacted with directly. If a script is shared with someone who doesn’t have the code installed, they will just never know that there was supposed to be a map there.
Customizing the widget further
We can now put as many default QT widgets as we want into our node, but what we’re aiming for here isn’t a default widget, we need to create our own graphical elements.
In Qt, this is achieved by re-defining the paintEvent method of our class. I’m not going to explain in detail how that works, there is plenty on google about it, but basically, you can combine basic shapes such as dots, rectangles, lines, ellipses, text, ramps, etc to draw the look of your desired widget.
from PySide2 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets class MyBox(QtWidgets.QWidget): def updateValue(self): pass def paintEvent(self, e): painter = QtGui.QPainter(self) # We can define brushes (draws filled areas) and pens (draws borders) yellow_brush = QtGui.QBrush() yellow_brush.setColor(QtGui.QColor('yellow')) yellow_brush.setStyle(QtCore.Qt.SolidPattern) black_brush = QtGui.QBrush() black_brush.setColor(QtGui.QColor('black')) black_brush.setStyle(QtCore.Qt.SolidPattern) black_pen = QtGui.QPen() black_pen.setColor(QtGui.QColor('black')) black_pen.setWidth(5) # Now we can set our brush and pen and start drawing painter.setPen(black_pen) painter.setBrush(yellow_brush) painter.drawEllipse(0, 0, 100, 100) painter.setBrush(QtCore.Qt.NoBrush) # This removed the brush (fill) painter.drawArc(25, 55, 50, 15, 16*-15, 16*-165) painter.setBrush(black_brush) painter.drawChord(25, 35, 10, 10, 16*0, 16*180) painter.drawChord(65, 35, 10, 10, 16*0, 16*180) def makeUI(self): return self def sizeHint(self): return QtCore.QSize(self.size().width(), 100) # This is required to define the height of our widget. Keeping the width allows the width to adapt to the Nuke properties width. # Create a NoOp node on which we'll add the knobs node = nuke.createNode("NoOp") knob = nuke.PyCustom_Knob("test", "", "MyBox()") node.addKnob(knob)
This gives us:
By the way, it took me a few iterations to draw this little guy, when I first entered the numbers out of my head he looked like this:
Don’t give up if things don’t look the way you want on the first try.
You can enable anti-aliasing by adding the line:
If you would like to learn how to make custom widgets and get introduced to some of the other concepts I will use later on to add interactivity to the widget, I highly recommend reading the tutorial “Create custom GUI Widgets for your Python apps with PyQt5“. It shows all the code snippets in both PyQt5 and PySide2, so you should not have any problems following along for Nuke. Just keep in mind you don’t need to create a QApplication, as you are already in one: Nuke. There is also a great into to QPainter there and other Qt resources if you want.
Drawing a world map
I could possibly attempt to draw the world map this way, but it would be extremely painful. I could also load an image (jpg or png) but I would prefer to use vector graphics over rasterized images.
Luckily, PySide2 supports the SVG image format, which allows us to draw a wide range of vector graphics in the software of our choice, and load the files directly into our widget.
I downloaded a copyright-free equirectangular map of the world on Wikipedia, and traced it quickly in Krita (Side note: I have been using Krita exclusively as a Photoshop alternative over the last couple of years at home, definitely worth checking out). I didn’t need a super detailed map, so I kept it really rough so that the file size would be smaller.
I ended up with this world map: (58kb in SVG and in 53kb in PNG at 800*400px, not a huge difference, but SVG is size independent)
Another advantage of SVG is that it is text-based, and could be directly embedded in Python code. Whether it is a good practice could be debated, but it sure is convenient for me right now.
Here is a python string of my SVG map. I will only paste it here once but will use it multiple times in the code further, so keep that in mind. For the final tool, I think I will not embed the SVG directly in Python as I think it might be less memory efficient, but right now it allows you to simply copy and paste the following few lines.
SVG_MAP = """<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 20010904//EN" ""> <!-- Created using Krita: --> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:krita="" xmlns:sodipodi="" width="1440pt" height="720pt" viewBox="0 0 1440 720"> <defs/> <path id="shape0" transform="translate(39.5457469778519, 63.7055088720791)" fill="#444444" fill-rule="evenodd" stroke="#000000" stroke-opacity="0" stroke-width="0" stroke-linecap="square" stroke-linejoin="bevel" d="M0 84.6299L36.139 71.4692L44.5462 67.5246L48.3713 63.2573L39.8047 61.3208L31.796 57.3403L26.6162 56.8383L19.9621 55.2246L17.1332 49.6663L21.1973 44.108L29.6045 43.068L35.9398 40.8088L34.346 38.0117L28.5287 37.8324L17.0136 37.9042L10.6385 34.6409L14.9019 29.6563L23.4286 29.7639L27.2935 31.8079L36.0992 31.9872L33.9874 30.1225L27.5725 28.3654L19.8426 24.2056L15.6988 20.1534L23.588 19.5796L29.4451 17.2487L34.9039 15.7785L49.0487 10.2201L65.2654 11.6545L100.647 15.1688L131.686 20.2251L140.452 17.679L167.546 14.3082L176.511 18.5038L181.532 16.7467L186.871 18.7548L198.386 16.9977L223.927 22.6636L225.959 25.2097L242.893 25.389L252.694 21.6954L265.285 24.4925L284.769 25.4607L285.885 22.7712L283.375 19.8665L287.638 17.2487L296.882 20.8347L294.412 24.3132L296.284 27.2178L300.707 24.7076L304.094 21.1933L297.48 18.6831L293.655 13.4475L297.4 7.38719L297.798 5.16386L299.95 0L311.784 0.0358601L315.928 2.07989L307.959 6.70584L309.553 11.6545L314.095 14.3799L314.095 17.1053L318.199 20.261L319.075 23.4167L324.813 19.7231L327.682 24.6L331.228 27.1461L334.734 23.5601L337.005 18.5038L340.472 16.2446L353.621 18.7907L355.493 22.1616L353.501 23.9187L356.211 27.3254L348.202 30.0508L342.066 32.5969L334.296 30.5528L334.017 33.5651L330.431 36.2904L319.514 41.2033L306.724 47.945L303.656 54.1488L303.775 58.9899L308.158 61.8946L312.342 67.7398L320.948 66.6998L339.954 75.7366L349.875 76.4179L350.832 82.5859L358.282 89.9013L364.02 88.8614L364.538 83.6975L361.271 78.8206L370.674 74.8401L373.623 69.3176L369.479 63.5441L366.291 60.5677L369.08 56.4797L367.367 49.0208L370.037 46.4389L386.732 46.8333L398.286 53.1447L402.43 54.6508L403.745 61.0698L409.881 62.8987L416.296 61.0698L421.197 54.8301L433.589 67.166L435.143 70.6444L448.69 78.0675L456.34 83.5899L456.3 89.0048L447.654 91.5509L440.402 94.9576L421.675 92.7343L412.87 96.4279L406.335 100.193L397.729 106.827L412.87 99.0457L422.711 98.6512L422.552 103.241L419.763 103.815L421.994 108.369L422.99 110.808L428.608 111.382L434.386 110.377L438.848 108.871L440.283 113.031L433.071 115.254L416.535 121.458L414.463 118.84L415.22 115.972L405.777 118.267L399.402 121.96L397.768 125.295L398.725 128.881L387.09 131.714L383.903 138.564L381.352 141.396L377.806 139.101L375.097 141.181L377.248 149.931L374.938 155.31L365.016 161.729L356.968 167.754L355.135 173.204L357.247 182.994L359.757 191.35L358.84 195.904L353.9 191.816L348.401 185.325L347.684 180.197L341.468 176.683L339.755 177.436L335.133 174.459L320.032 174.711L321.386 178.512L317.92 178.799L308.596 177.543L296.683 181.345L290.467 186.222L290.826 193.752L288.873 204.259L290.985 213.009L297.759 221.078L309.393 223.05L316.844 220.325L320.231 213.045L328.479 209.997L332.224 211.575L329.873 219.321L329.395 224.807L327.084 228.931L326.486 232.66L338.998 233.629L346.01 234.597L346.688 243.419L345.931 252.886L350.433 258.803L359.239 260.237L365.813 257.44L371.63 263.536L376.85 257.332L380.476 253.639L391.075 246.467L394.661 247.148L392.419 252.384L392.18 256.472L392.937 260.56L394.611 254.428L398.396 251.595L404.612 250.232L410.588 254.894L417.003 254.894L426.048 254.248L430.59 255.683L441.388 262.675L449.357 270.17L459.199 272.896L471.232 276.374L477.488 287.24L482.508 290.18L479.759 296.294L481.233 296.294L483.982 296.294L486.652 296.294L496.772 301.046L503.347 304.345L512.551 306.389L522.95 308.863L531.915 315.067L537.374 318.832L541.438 329.555L533.708 339.954L530.122 347.52L525.699 353.15L523.787 362.187L519.882 378.396L513.587 387.756L506.694 388.544L494.382 390.481L486.532 397.545L485.775 402.781L485.735 411.351L477.507 420.101L472.128 426.807L465.873 430.895L457.585 435.88L452.844 434.589L446.389 431.756L448.66 435.952L452.804 441.115L450.294 446.745L445.472 451.013L438.699 452.375L431.088 451.407L431.806 456.141L428.26 460.731L422.123 460.659L419.374 460.731L422.283 466.935L421.087 469.875L418.737 473.748L414.991 477.37L410.847 480.633L414.792 483.287L418.259 485.438L413.915 491.427L408.576 496.483L405.11 499.783L405.588 505.341L409.533 510.576L418.059 514.27L425.51 514.987L410.17 515.955L398.695 516.422L389.252 513.768L380.326 504.05L378.733 491.14L380.805 483.072L381.92 476.581L384.948 473.856L384.55 470.341L383.793 466.253L385.626 459.87L386.662 453.344L385.945 447.247L390.407 440.111L393.913 432.581L394.272 422.253L393.595 416.444L394.71 409.451L398.137 394.39L398.854 385.927L397.778 372.085L391.642 365.702L377.896 356.844L371.879 346.445L362.157 325.682L355.105 318.545L353.352 309.545L358.93 308.182L356.579 296.294L360.404 296.294L368.054 283.187L368.532 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26.8935L368.902 24.0668L365.919 19.4398L363.445 23.7667L362.498 26.8146L363.708 30.0045L363.024 33.305L366.323 34.1578L375.622 35.4053L380.553 37.9636L379.816 40.8061L375.201 38.7848L369.323 36.9845L365.445 37.2056L366.796 41.4852L357.602 47.644L349.11 47.5651L343.091 44.5646L354.724 43.7908L360.217 38.7848L358.392 34.0788L356.83 26.3724L356.251 23.8615L358.234 20.6715L350.004 16.8341L343.372 18.7607L337.02 26.5461L336.055 31.6785L342.249 37.7899L337.564 38.0584L316.385 32.5786L306.138 31.0468L302.471 30.3993L309.937 37.861L305.428 38.8874L299.988 37.4346L284.214 37.4504L280.529 36.6292L267.369 39.1875L258.912 42.3143L251.033 44.3198L248.823 41.0667L251.7 39.8349L246.542 37.7504L242.295 38.4611L242.944 41.7616L243.752 46.7676L241.242 47.0992L236.944 45.6464L226.81 49.5627L226.161 51.5683L215.493 50.8103L216.283 52.8001L216.844 55.8479L210.703 54.5372L205.948 50.2418L204.018 47.415L198.859 43.925L215.651 47.3361L229.846 46.4044L231.197 41.4615L218.686 38.3189L196.753 32.8234L185.664 32.1759L169.78 28.528L142.565 32.1127L122.843 39.0138L127.826 41.0351L120.439 45.2516L113.701 51.1735L104.314 55.5321L93.9791 59.559L87.6448 63.9333L87.2061 71.1186L89.2591 76.3615L96.0671 79.283L103.191 78.9356L110.227 73.6453L113.175 76.7563L118.965 84.9839L118.86 88.4739L121.72 90.2268L127.546 87.9685L134.283 85.6155L135.95 78.4144L142.092 73.6295L142.864 71.8924L138.249 66.5706L142.267 59.3063L151.725 55.1057L156.445 49.5469L163.498 49.1048L168.92 50.984L162.989 55.8321L153.69 61.2803L153.497 67.3444L157.708 72.4767L163.533 72.1451L180.922 70.3764L187.081 72.0977L180.045 73.8348L173.868 73.9769L168.008 73.0294L162.358 75.7772L162.024 78.7303L165.341 80.1831L165.639 83.9574L162.13 84.4311L158.655 82.0308L153.514 82.694L151.672 87.1631L151.988 91.5217L147.742 93.8273L143.478 94.7274L139.951 93.4167L125.089 97.3489L120.158 94.301L111.157 95.975L105.963 92.2165L107.999 86.3893L109.683 83.6415L108.279 81.7307L102.787 84.2101L99.6641 86.2946L101.77 90.59L104.665 96.6067L101.261 97.7753L92.6104 98.7544L86.8552 102.26L78.9593 106.887L74.3796 109.098L73.3882 112.367L67.9237 112.762L67.9237 114.372L61.3864 113.52L60.3337 115.146L61.4917 117.768L55.5785 118.226L50.8059 116.504L46.4017 118.131L49.7882 119.726L49.7005 121.21L54.9118 121.526L59.4914 124.764L62.2989 128.838L62.5971 133.67L61.6672 137.523L59.3335 138.802L41.6993 137.855L35.8914 136.702L32.1364 139.782L31.031 140.998L33.1366 143.43L33.3296 147.709L32.4347 152.241L30.101 156.268L32.3821 158.527L32.7155 163.769L40.8921 163.327L44.7173 168.175L51.0516 165.396L60.0705 164.275L67.9237 157.547L67.9237 152.715L75.5816 145.435L80.2314 144.156L81.3895 138.502L87.443 137.823L92.7947 140.176L103.34 135.139L107.972 135.613L108.85 137.823L112.622 142.75L120.553 146.983L129.993 152.841L132.66 156.647L131.643 161.006L135.169 157.769L136.292 155.368L134.994 150.41L137.942 152.257L141.398 152.162L138.995 149.367L130.537 144.709L123.378 139.197L120.027 135.597L116.553 131.538L117.886 129.738L126.238 132.912L134.468 139.355L144.452 144.582L145.732 150.157L149.47 154.989L152.646 159.348L154.734 163.122L158.594 166.959L160.84 164.796L162.121 160.769L165.42 161.369L161.981 155.763L159.103 150.204L162.858 151.057L165.121 148.404L168.859 148.23L175.105 149.809L178.615 148.357L183.44 149.73L180.492 150.789L174.105 151.436L174.07 154.989L175.948 162.001L180.246 165.301L186.353 168.175L190.072 166.58L192.582 165.001L202.026 167.97L206.518 165.191L210.747 165.664L212.993 166.438L211.22 171.65L208.045 178.456L205.588 184.788L202.903 188.31L196.095 188.041L193.92 185.231L187.269 187.11L183.444 188.831L167.67 185.515L161.739 182.578L157.686 181.03L151.352 181.456L147.281 186.383L145.772 189.842L138.894 188.831L129.524 185.404L127.857 182.277L115.013 179.909L109.767 176.75L109.065 174.697L111.837 172.076L110.433 169.723L112.363 165.507L109.31 164.085L104.152 163.517L79.9901 164.772L70.6203 167.536L60.7416 170.915L54.6881 171.831L46.915 171.184L43.546 169.652L40.6333 175.021L32.79 179.095L29.0526 183.944L29.2983 190.276L23.7711 196.845L17.4719 201.441L10.8744 208.547L6.96158 215.338L1.94328 222.744L1.57919 229.519L3.45666 238.489L2.66707 245.69L0 250.901L0.7545 256.381L4.63228 265.508L12.9493 273.341L16.4762 281L28.6183 289.686L37.7601 294.771L50.762 290.507L60.1494 293.27L73.6427 287.838L86.6271 287.933L90.1013 293.997L101.12 293.286L107.56 298.04L107.227 306.788L105.507 312.04L103.717 316.216L116.829 332.766L119.549 340.551L120.426 346.189L119.777 349.995L122.479 357.528L119.812 364.95L116.145 374.788L115.829 384.058L123.918 401.239L126.633 417.702L131.739 425.361L138.67 434.521L140.758 441.927L140.881 445.133L145.654 449.57L159.357 449.76L178.852 444.959L195.293 429.388L200.118 421.034L200.171 414.37L210.523 408.638L208.47 389.34L228.754 375.428L230.35 359.967L228.175 350.65L224.701 341.349L222.7 334.764L232.653 318.316L246.217 304.688L256.692 299.619L271.852 272.457L272.168 265.398L263.676 265.398L250.235 268.051L242.199 268.43L238.935 266.109L238.707 260.708L225.688 248.643L222.301 241.347L216.651 234.777L215.879 226.566L209.65 218.543L209.439 214.611L196.863 194.342L197.617 191.121L205.075 201.165L208.338 195.021L208.514 199.633L217.761 213.198L218.41 215.693L223.13 219.009L225.183 229.637L232.254 235.117L238.536 245.35L240.554 253.262L241.028 260.068L245.326 261.253L258.679 257.589L275.348 249.709L278.893 246.029L286.631 243.36L292.404 238.749L298.615 235.796L300.001 229.037L306.897 222.499L300.072 218.109L293.632 212.977L291.737 206.581L285.175 214.051L277.086 215.804L274.015 213.151L272.19 207.418L269.014 209.36L267.4 204.907L260.574 197.406L263.259 191.689L268.33 192.969L274.366 199.806L284.946 205.334L289.982 206.265L295.457 205.76L298.913 208.287L320.039 211.445L332.094 210.64L341.082 217.375L348.89 220.707L344.363 223.265L351.557 228.54L355.663 226.234L357.664 224.418L358.102 231.24L362.629 250.048L371.315 269.409L377.158 279.847L381.527 278.695L387.335 267.261L389.616 256.27L390.16 247.458L402.6 240.889L409.706 234.32L415.62 230.285L417.357 225.926L427.709 224.505L433.219 222.531L439.027 228.958L445.94 237.738L445.484 246.85L450.713 249.251L455.275 245.524L458.275 250.103L462.03 259.373L462.627 268.351L461.591 275.757L460.942 279.753L467.61 287.396L470.4 296.034L477.945 304.562L483.068 307.783Z"/><path id="shape120" transform="translate(892.383320934284, 408.821871991416)" fill="#444444" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M4.87594 29.0147L4.07285 18.3622L9.33121 14.4902L17.6299 9.60274L22.85 4.83579L26.158 0L28.835 9.75762L25.9668 17.5362L22.6588 26.485L18.5286 44.3997L14.3028 52.0062L7.55293 52.9183L1.98862 46.809L0 39.1682L5.64079 31.5617L5.23925 26.6743Z"/><path id="shape121" transform="translate(1038.47689674505, 322.987249148473)" fill="#444444" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M1.66957 0L0 7.91516L3.08047 13.3119L8.48893 11.005L9.02977 6.26441Z"/><path id="shape122" transform="translate(1238.44094420205, 224.705058966222)" fill="#444444" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M0.878784 2.02999L4.53062 0L8.77808 1.38848L8.71949 5.26392L5.99526 10.0269L3.84712 10.1324L2.7047 6.83694L2.69494 3.46241L0 2.48696Z"/><path id="shape123" transform="translate(1244.24091834823, 195.872157188038)" fill="#444444" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M0 26.9172L7.93835 21.5741L16.238 21.2138L19.2063 21.8554L22.8972 15.1063L24.5474 16.8902L32.7982 11.8196L35.7763 6.90724L35.747 1.43242L37.8756 0L40.4241 0.219696L42.3867 3.38332L43.8513 6.52058L41.0978 9.42935L40.2776 14.5702L38.7739 20.3438L37.2409 22.4881L34.2433 23.6305L32.4759 23.2878L29.7712 25.1508L25.6117 25.5023L22.3406 24.2369L22.4383 26.2493L22.4188 27.8575L19.5676 29.8347L16.4626 29.0262L16.0427 26.2405L13.8848 24.7905L6.503 27.1544L3.60301 28.6308Z"/><path id="shape124" transform="translate(1249.95301409825, 222.894764005446)" fill="#444444" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M0.361278 2.64514L0 4.67513L1.84545 5.5627L3.76901 2.91756L6.52253 3.85786L8.56326 1.69605L6.71782 0L4.55015 0.703027L2.49965 1.40605Z"/><path id="shape125" transform="translate(1279.8780490553, 178.929202409513)" fill="#444444" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M3.95453 13.7969L1.17171 15.0096L0 11.9778L2.0505 8.89329L4.73567 7.64542L6.39559 6.81058L7.64542 3.14605L6.93263 0.0351514L9.30535 0L14.373 3.76998L19.6262 3.85786L20.1925 5.43088L21.0322 7.74209L16.1696 9.93026L13.1525 12.0306L8.15316 11.433L2.38248 11.1254L1.93332 12.3909Z"/><path id="shape126" transform="translate(1286.8985564814, 142.222396335915)" fill="#444444" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M2.93904 0L3.10504 2.52211L0.322221 5.04422L0.302692 10.7563L1.75757 15.036L0 22.6111L1.27912 28.8505L0.156228 33.4026L3.7983 31.7153L7.48919 32.9456L3.53466 24.9311L6.32724 20.5723L8.7976 20.9238L12.1467 23.1911L5.28247 7.99693L6.43465 6.44149L4.8626 2.89999L3.89594 0.237272Z"/><path id="shape127" transform="translate(928.014779922195, 51.9736067249715)" fill="#444444" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M0 21.6445L0.944248 19.0343L9.67372 11.8021L23.9338 4.91683L38.5504 2.61017L55.3348 1.48285L62.2144 0L66.1455 3.0611L61.7326 4.19708L45.5359 4.99488L23.5773 11.542L14.1348 17.4127L14.3853 20.916L20.8313 24.6362L13.0942 25.2692L5.81001 24.8183Z"/><path id="shape128" transform="translate(763.686149445708, 36.56223914494)" fill="#444444" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M0 4.66643L16.4949 15.0505L23.6455 15.6915L36.8927 9.02518L48.2312 13.7429L53.5015 11.1276L40.7956 5.69202L57.7463 6.58941L62.8458 2.20502L47.9463 0.666633L30.5113 0L19.942 4.17927Z"/><path id="shape129" transform="translate(938.952551986355, 33.4543091624825)" fill="#444444" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M9.76382 0L0 3.63903L5.16908 5.56193L13.2099 5.27247L24.6967 3.82512L29.0388 2.95672L20.998 0.0206763Z"/><path id="shape130" transform="translate(905.594732384704, 34.2813625410358)" fill="#444444" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M0 2.31575L6.70832 5.78937L14.1288 4.90029L15.1626 0L1.95276 2.97739Z"/><path id="shape131" transform="translate(1087.84560659632, 33.3407292761394)" fill="#444444" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M0 4.71565L6.88803 0.87425L17.1023 0L25.0795 5.6164L31.4671 9.40481L25.5799 11.7626L9.83164 11.0473Z"/><path id="shape132" transform="translate(1118.7534472708, 41.1030126912437)" fill="#444444" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M0 6.14624L11.6272 0L21.3706 4.42424Z"/><path id="shape133" transform="translate(1267.53608686259, 53.1828190415115)" fill="#444444" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M5.51131 1.13574L0 4.51979L5.87186 6.79127L13.6495 6.16545L26.2946 7.41709L31.2136 4.6125L23.6162 2.31784L14.2418 1.69202L11.924 3.19862L2.88442 0Z"/><path id="shape134" transform="translate(1304.8532969985, 58.1661731900951)" fill="#444444" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M0 0L0.20603 1.57613L17.2808 2.01652Z"/><path id="shape135" transform="translate(420.768134455579, 634.824693053502)" fill="#444444" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M11.6494 0L10.3448 3.42266L12.2046 5.58785L16.0724 7.81966L12.1028 9.6101L3.78445 10.243L0 13.1743L7.865 14.8898L20.3102 14.3985L24.9829 11.9752L22.4199 7.01188L18.765 1.75713L15.3506 0.0832764Z"/><path id="shape136" transform="translate(1154.92508001971, 280.092185520219)" fill="#444444" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M2.64188 0L0 3.07644L1.31555 6.3761L4.37797 5.72587L7.88251 3.14438L8.4648 1.11606L6.58853 0.262031L1.73609 0.679341L1.89784 0.708455Z"/><path id="shape137" transform="translate(1200.10663056773, 258.634723125112)" fill="#444444" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M4.64755 0.223212L1.66061 3.69755L0 8.3753L0.657774 11.8593L2.92224 11.8011L5.18671 7.83183L7.42962 3.09585L6.90124 0Z"/><path id="shape138" transform="translate(729.707331713763, 200.063699968501)" fill="#444444" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M1.92449 0L0 1.24474L2.41885 2.6113L3.23102 1.39834Z"/><path id="shape139" transform="translate(754.372550078469, 187.256148499812)" fill="#444444" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M2.90144 0L2.89556 1.69496L0 2.29349L0.0588528 4.75119L1.88329 6.3561L3.24868 3.86133L3.80778 1.33478Z"/><path id="shape140" transform="translate(752.936541182981, 195.031783551936)" fill="#444444" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M3.04269 0.201277L1.28299 1.23944L0 2.18756L0.876907 4.45457L0.570872 8.21527L3.14863 8.55955L5.37326 6.99172L5.67341 3.78188L6.4797 1.56784L4.33745 0Z"/><path id="shape141" transform="translate(769.831715513804, 207.272582329496)" fill="#444444" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M0.682693 0.365476L7.16239 0.58794L11.5822 0L10.2992 3.03504L10.8054 5.90588L7.81565 5.61986L1.76558 2.82847L0 1.98099Z"/><path id="shape142" transform="translate(814.66873916246, 217.89522272257)" fill="#444444" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M0 0L3.64888 0.190683L9.66952 1.09643L7.60378 2.65897L3.50174 2.65367Z"/><path id="shape143" transform="translate(849.87008426957, 217.410569720343)" fill="#444444" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M0 2.56363L2.41297 1.17058L5.6793 1.35597L7.45077 0L4.93187 3.05623L2.09516 4.10498Z"/><path id="shape144" transform="translate(62.288882574212, 673.678895969065)" fill="#444444" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M0 2.81121L5.19621 0L21.1935 4.19054L19.1209 5.81947L7.8673 4.37445Z"/> </svg> """
In order to get the map to display, we need to setup an SVG Renderer. It lives in a separate module of PySide2 that we need to import. Then we can modify the paintEvent like this:
from PySide2 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets, QtSvg # SVG_MAP = [...] This is the content of the SVG file as shown earlier in the article class LatLongPicker(QtWidgets.QWidget): def updateValue(self): pass def paintEvent(self, e): # Initialize Painter painter = QtGui.QPainter(self) painter.setRenderHint(painter.Antialiasing) width = painter.device().width() height = painter.device().height() # Render Map rect = QtCore.QRect(0, 0, width, height) # renderer = QtSvg.QSvgRenderer('/path/to/file.svg', self) # This is how you would load an external SVG renderer = QtSvg.QSvgRenderer(QtCore.QXmlStreamReader(SVG_MAP), self) renderer.render(painter, rect) def makeUI(self): return self def sizeHint(self): return QtCore.QSize(self.size().width(), 300) # Create a NoOp node on which we'll add the knobs node = nuke.createNode("NoOp") knob = nuke.PyCustom_Knob("map", "", "LatLongPicker()") node.addKnob(knob)
That is our background picture, let’s add 2 lines and a small circle to represent our selected position:
def paintEvent(self, e): # Initialize Painter painter = QtGui.QPainter(self) painter.setRenderHint(painter.Antialiasing) width = painter.device().width() height = painter.device().height() # Render Map rect = QtCore.QRect(0, 0, width, height) # renderer = QtSvg.QSvgRenderer('/path/to/file.svg', self) # This is how you would load an external SVG renderer = QtSvg.QSvgRenderer(QtCore.QXmlStreamReader(SVG_MAP), self) renderer.render(painter, rect) # Draw Lines painter.drawLine(0, 150, width, 150) painter.drawLine(150, 0, 150, height) # Draw Dot brush = QtGui.QBrush() brush.setStyle(QtCore.Qt.SolidPattern) painter.setPen(QtCore.Qt.NoPen) painter.setBrush(brush) painter.drawEllipse(QtCore.QPoint(150, 150), 5, 5)
Adding interactivity
Now that we have our graphical elements, we need to add some interactivity to the widget. At the moment the crosshair is hardcoded to always be 150px from the top and 150px from the left, not very useful.
The logic of doing that is explained in the tutorial I liked a bit earlier in this article, so I will skip the detailed explanation and post the code with added interactivity.
from PySide2 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets, QtSvg class LatLongPicker(QtWidgets.QWidget): def __init__(self, node): super(LatLongPicker, self).__init__() self.node = node self.dot_x = 0 self.dot_y = 0 self.setSizePolicy( QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding ) def paintEvent(self, e): # Initialize Painter painter = QtGui.QPainter(self) painter.setRenderHint(painter.Antialiasing) width = painter.device().width() height = painter.device().height() # Render Map rect = QtCore.QRect(0, 0, width, height) # renderer = QtSvg.QSvgRenderer('/path/to/file.svg', self) # This is how you would load an external SVG renderer = QtSvg.QSvgRenderer(QtCore.QXmlStreamReader(SVG_MAP), self) renderer.render(painter, rect) # Draw Lines painter.drawLine(0, int(height * self.dot_y), width, int(height * self.dot_y)) painter.drawLine(int(width * self.dot_x), 0, int(width * self.dot_x), height) # Draw Dot brush = QtGui.QBrush() brush.setStyle(QtCore.Qt.SolidPattern) painter.setPen(QtCore.Qt.NoPen) painter.setBrush(brush) painter.drawEllipse(QtCore.QPoint(int(width * self.dot_x), int(height * self.dot_y)), 5, 5) def makeUI(self): return self def sizeHint(self): return QtCore.QSize(self.size().width(), 300) def updateValue(self): """ Calculate a latlong value based and set it on the respective knobs """ # Load the values from the nuke node: self.set_lat(node['lat'].value()) self.set_long(node['long'].value()) def store_value(self): """ Save the value of the custom knob into native nuke knobs """ self.node['lat'].setValue(self.dot_y) self.node['long'].setValue(self.dot_x) def set_lat(self, value): """ Set the knob value based on latitude """ self.dot_y = value self.update() def set_long(self, value): """ Set the knob value based on longitude """ self.dot_x = value self.update() def _calculate_clicked_value(self, e): self.dot_y = float(e.y()) / self.size().height() self.dot_x = float(e.x()) / self.size().width() self.update() self.store_value() def mouseMoveEvent(self, e): self._calculate_clicked_value(e) def mousePressEvent(self, e): self._calculate_clicked_value(e) # Create a NoOp node on which we'll add the knobs node = nuke.createNode("NoOp", inpanel=False) # I want to add my custom knob before the storage knobs, so don't show the UI yet so the custom one doesn't initialize as soon as it's added # Custom knob knob = nuke.PyCustom_Knob("map", "", "LatLongPicker(nuke.thisNode())") node.addKnob(knob) # Storage Knobs lat = nuke.Double_Knob('lat', 'Latitude') lat.setRange(-90.0, 90.0) long = nuke.Double_Knob('long', 'Longitude') long.setRange(-180.0, 180.0) node.addKnob(lat) node.addKnob(long) node.showControlPanel()
We are almost there but, obviously, the latitude and longitude values being set aren’t accurate at all because I am using 0 to 1 coordinate, where on a real map it would go from 90 to -90 for the latitude (north to south) and from -180 to 180 for the longitude (east to west). That means we need to remap our 0 to 1 values to the correct ranges. Linear interpolation is there to the rescue, and I can write a small lerp function to allow me to do it easily.
def lerp(value1, value2, mix_amount): """ Simple linear interpolation function""" return value1 * (1 - mix_amount) + value2 * mix_amount
While we are at it, let’s also address the problem that modifying my custom knob adjusts my storage knobs, but not the other way around. I will need an inverted lerp function to extract the proper value, and a knobChanged knob on my node to update the custom knob when changing.
def inv_lerp(value1, value2, lerped_value): return (lerped_value - value1) / (value2 - value1)
We can use the getObject() method of our custom knob to access our custom class:
node['knobChanged'].setValue("""knob = nuke.thisKnob() if'lat': nuke.thisNode()['map'].getObject().set_lat(knob.value()) if'long': nuke.thisNode()['map'].getObject().set_long(knob.value())""")
The behavior is getting there, and the coordinates are quite close to being accurate (I have checked a few locations by setting them on the map and comparing the values with actual coordinates, and it’s always roughly matching.
There are a few more tweaks that I would like to do before calling it done.
First I’d like to use some of the colors from the nuke UI to make the map feel a bit more like a native knob.
We can access the colors through the properties, and format the colors as a hex value that PySide will accept:
# Extract some colors from nuke to match look highlight_color = "#{:X}".format(nuke.toNode('preferences')['UIHighlightColor'].value())[:7] line_color = "#{:X}".format(nuke.toNode('preferences')['UILabelColor'].value())[:7]
# Then in the paintEvent method, we can use them to define brush or pen color pen.setColor(QtGui.QColor(self.line_color)) brush.setColor(QtGui.QColor(highlight_color))
Finally, if I set my storage knobs to be animated, the knob does not update when I change frames, which really breaks the feeling of the knob being integrated. For this, there has been some discussion regarding the best way to make this work. I have settled on sending a Qt Signal whenever the frame knob of a viewer is changed, via a global knobChanged callback. It’s a bit hack-ish, but fairly efficient. If anyone has other suggestions, I invite you to suggest it in the forum post.
class FrameSignaller(QtCore.QObject): """ Mini Class to emit a signal""" frame_changed = QtCore.Signal() # Create a global FrameSignaller FRAME_SIGNALLER = FrameSignaller() def frame_changed(): if "FRAME_SIGNALLER" not in globals(): return knob = nuke.thisKnob() if == 'frame': FRAME_SIGNALLER.frame_changed.emit() nuke.addKnobChanged(frame_changed, nodeClass="Viewer")
It works but I’m not very happy about the behavior when hitting play (it updates on play, not on stop). Still, changing the frame refreshes the widget, which is better than the previous behavior. I can think of a few ways to possibly improve the behavior a bit further, maybe updating when the mouse enters the widget or every X seconds, but as of now, I am not sure which changes would improve the user experience or worsen it. Once the tool is in a more complete state, I will be testing it with a few different changes to see which feels like the best solution.
This concludes part 1 of this tutorial. Because I’m writing at the same time as I’m thinking about the tool and developing it, things might change, or I may even completely fail and get stuck on a further step. The finished product isn’t necessarily my main goal here, I just hope that the process we have just been through can be helpful to others in the future. If anyone has more information on the custom knob I would love to hear it, and if anyone at Foundry is reading, I’d love to have a chat about knobs in general.
Stay posted for part 2 in a few weeks.
I’ve been meaning to dig in and try to figure out exactly how Mads created the custom colorwheel knobs on LUE for a long time.
Thanks for the great post detailing how the PyCustom knob works exactly! Looking forward to the next part! 🙂
Amazing!!! Thaks
impressive, Huge thank you for sharing your knowledge
Thanks for writing this, and especially for the idea of defining the class in
I managed to move the definition back out so it lives with the rest of my packages, and instead, I put the following line in
I’ll need a few different custom knobs, so I’ll probably change it to scan a folder for classes.
I don’t usually recommend using execfile. You could obtain the same behavior by using import.
Either use
import my_package
and then have your knob call my_package.MyClass(), or usefrom my_package import MyClass()
Thanks – that works! I put:
from my_package import custom_knob
in, even though it’s not referred to in that file.
And no imports in, which is where the knob is created. “custom_knob.CustomKnob(…)”
Makes sense now.
Great article! Thanks!
Great article. I am just creating my own custom know using PyQt. I am still wondering tho. What is the “hack” that allows you to store values inside the custom knob?
Here I used no hack, just a second knob that’s there only for storage purpose. One hack I’ve seen is that the knob can overwrite its own code to inject values in there but that seems more dangerous than it’s worth.