To complement last article about the Vector tools, I’m going to post 4 mini-tutorials to inspire possible uses for these Tools.
1 – Heat Haze
Quite frequently I’ve had to add heat haze into a shot. Whether it’s for a fire, a plane’s jet engine or just a hot weather, that’s a common effect to do.
While I could use a noise node as a base for the effect, I’m going to use particles here (textured with a noise) as a starting point. Nothing fancy, just a bit of spread and random velocity.
Then using the Luma_to_Normals tool, I extract some Normals from that. As I don’t need perfect 3D normals for relighting but just 2D vectors for distortion, I can turn off “Legalize” and don’t need to worry about the blue channel:
Finally, I need to copy these Red and Green Channels into the image I want to distort, and use an iDistort node.
Here’s the full script:
set cut_paste_input [stack 0] version 9.0 v8 Camera2 { inputs 0 translate {20.2948761 12.54060268 24.43356323} rotate {-11.27799897 41.19998453 0} name Camera1 selected true xpos -207 ypos 78 } push $cut_paste_input Reformat { format "1024 1024 0 0 1024 1024 1 square_1K" name Reformat1 selected true xpos 39 ypos -109 } set N38d2800 [stack 0] Noise { center {512 512} name Noise1 selected true xpos 39 ypos -61 } push $N38d2800 Radial { area {4 -6 1016 1020} name Radial1 selected true xpos 135 ypos -62 } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation multiply name Merge1 selected true xpos 39 ypos 5 } push 0 push 0 ParticleEmitter { inputs 3 rate 30 rate_variation 0.15 velocity_variation 0.415 rotation_velocity 0.062 size 2 spread 0.16 name ParticleEmitter1 selected true xpos -71 ypos 5 } push 0 ScanlineRender { inputs 3 conservative_shader_sampling false motion_vectors_type distance name ScanlineRender1 selected true xpos -71 ypos 98 } Dot { name Dot2 selected true xpos -36 ypos 171 } set N191f800 [stack 0] Group { name Luma_to_Normals help "Performs a Sobel filter on the Luminance channel of an image to extract an approximation of a Normal map.\n\nFor a mathematical conversion of a displacement map to normals, do not use Details separation." selected true xpos -70 ypos 199 addUserKnob {20 luma_to_normals l "Luma to Normals"} addUserKnob {26 div_pre l Pre-Process} addUserKnob {7 blur R 0 10} addUserKnob {7 gain} gain 15 addUserKnob {26 div_details l "Details Separation"} addUserKnob {7 size t "Bigger sizes will separate high and low frequencies more." R 0 100} size 34.5 addUserKnob {7 details_weight t "How much the details affect the final output"} details_weight 0.765 addUserKnob {26 div_out l Output} addUserKnob {4 value_check t "Some big values might create impossible normals. Use gain and Blur to ensure there are no error values.\n\nValues in red on error check represent a vertical normal (parallel to the camera) which would not normally be visible to the camera." M {Result "Check Errors" "" "" "" ""}} addUserKnob {6 normalize t "Switch between -1 to 1 range or 0 to 1 range" +STARTLINE} addUserKnob {6 legalize t "Normal maps should generally be represented with a vector magnitude of 1.\nTurning on legalization will scale all vectors to ensure they all have a magnitude of 1.\n\nYou may want to disable it for more interesting effects when generating normals for a fake refraction through an iDistort, where having vectors of different length adds depth." -STARTLINE} addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {26 copyright l "" t +STARTLINE T "v1.1 - Part of VectorTools by Erwan Leroy"} } Input { inputs 0 name Input1 xpos -576 ypos -296 } Saturation { saturation 0 name Saturation1 xpos -576 ypos -237 } Blur { size {{parent.blur}} name Blur2 xpos -576 ypos -196 } Multiply { value {{0.5*parent.gain}} name Multiply1 xpos -576 ypos -134 } set Nee7f5c00 [stack 0] Blur { size {{parent.size}} name Blur1 xpos -576 ypos -83 } Dot { name Dot2 xpos -542 ypos -45 } set Nee7f5400 [stack 0] Matrix { matrix { {2 0 -2} {1 0 -1} {2 0 -2} } name Matrix1 xpos -576 ypos 38 } push $Nee7f5400 Dot { name Dot3 xpos -432 ypos -45 } set Nee7f4c00 [stack 0] Matrix { matrix { {-2 -1 -2} {0 0 0} {2 1 2} } name Matrix2 xpos -466 ypos 37 } Dot { name Dot4 xpos -432 ypos 92 } ShuffleCopy { inputs 2 red red blue black alpha black name ShuffleCopy1 xpos -575 ypos 88 } Multiply { value {{(1-parent.details_weight)*(parent.size/10+1)}} name Multiply2 xpos -577 ypos 128 } push $Nee7f4c00 push $Nee7f5c00 Dot { name Dot1 xpos -319 ypos -124 } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation from name Merge1 xpos -353 ypos -49 } Dot { name Dot5 xpos -319 ypos -23 } set N25731000 [stack 0] Matrix { matrix { {2 0 -2} {1 0 -1} {2 0 -2} } name Matrix3 xpos -353 ypos 31 } push $N25731000 Dot { name Dot6 xpos -181 ypos -23 } Matrix { matrix { {-2 -1 -2} {0 0 0} {2 1 2} } name Matrix4 xpos -215 ypos 33 } Dot { name Dot7 xpos -181 ypos 87 } ShuffleCopy { inputs 2 red red blue black alpha black name ShuffleCopy2 xpos -353 ypos 83 } Multiply { value {{parent.details_weight}} name Multiply3 xpos -353 ypos 119 } Dot { name Dot8 xpos -319 ypos 188 } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation plus name Merge2 xpos -577 ypos 184 } Expression { temp_name0 mag temp_expr0 sqrt(pow(r,2)+pow(g,2)+pow(b,2)) expr0 mag>1?r/mag:r expr1 mag>1?g/mag:g name Expression3 xpos -577 ypos 221 disable {{1-parent.legalize}} } set N268ccc00 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot9 xpos -400 ypos 225 } Remove { operation keep channels rgb name Remove2 xpos -434 ypos 271 } Expression { temp_name0 facing temp_expr0 sqrt(-pow(r,2)-pow(g,2)+1) expr0 isnan(facing)?1:0 expr1 0 name Expression1 xpos -434 ypos 314 } Dot { name Dot10 xpos -400 ypos 378 } push $N268ccc00 Expression { temp_name0 facing temp_expr0 sqrt(-pow(r,2)-pow(g,2)+1) expr2 isnan(facing)?0:facing name Expression2 xpos -577 ypos 247 } Remove { operation keep channels rgb name Remove1 selected true xpos -577 ypos 273 } Grade { white 0.5 add 0.5 name Grade1 xpos -577 ypos 313 disable {{1-parent.normalize}} } Switch { inputs 2 which {{parent.value_check}} name Switch1 xpos -576 ypos 374 } Output { name Output1 xpos -577 ypos 418 } end_group Blur { size 0.2 name Blur1 selected true xpos -70 ypos 239 } Dot { name Dot1 selected true xpos -37 ypos 297 } push $N191f800 CheckerBoard2 { inputs 0 name CheckerBoard1 selected true xpos 253 ypos -127 } Blur { inputs 1+1 size 9 name Blur2 selected true xpos 253 ypos 161 } Copy { inputs 2 from0 to0 forward.u from1 to1 forward.v name Copy1 selected true xpos 253 ypos 280 } IDistort { uv motion uv_scale 25 name IDistort1 selected true xpos 253 ypos 357 }
2 – Relaxing SplineWarps
Another way I use these tools is to relax SplineWarps.
By adding a UV map into one of the layers passing through the SplineWarp, I’m able to obtain a dirtorted UV map. By applying this UV map to the original footage would give me the exact same result as what is coming out of the SplineWarp.
However, I’m also able to convert this distorted UV map to Vectors. Once in vector format, we are free to do whatever we want with it, notably relaxing it (by blurring) or reducing its intensity (by multiplying down).
It can then be re-applied with an iDistort, or converted back to UVs and applied as STMap.
Here’s the full script:
[/fusion_builder_column]CheckerBoard2 {
inputs 0
name CheckerBoard1
selected true
xpos 926
ypos -179
Dot {
name Dot4
selected true
xpos 960
ypos -83
set Nace2c400 [stack 0] Dot {
name Dot3
selected true
xpos 822
ypos -83
Group {
name UV_Map_Layer
selected true
xpos 788
ypos -34
addUserKnob {20 UVMap l "UV Map"}
addUserKnob {41 out l UV_Layer T ShuffleCopy1.out}
addUserKnob {26 copyright l "" t +STARTLINE T "v1.0 – Part of VectorTools by Erwan Leroy – 2016"}
Input {
inputs 0
name Input1
xpos 555
ypos 346
set N191ec00 [stack 0] Expression {
expr0 (x+0.5)/width
channel1 { none}
expr1 (y+.5)/height
channel2 { none}
name Expression1
xpos 672
ypos 424
push $N191ec00
ShuffleCopy {
inputs 2
in2 none
red red
green green
alpha black
out motion
name ShuffleCopy1
xpos 555
ypos 427
Output {
name Output1
xpos 555
ypos 511
SplineWarp3 {
colorOverlay {0 0 0 0}
curves {{{v x3f99999a}
{f 0}
{layer Root
{f 2097152}
{t x44700000 x44070000}
{a pt1x 0 pt1y 0 pt2x 0 pt2y 0 pt3x 0 pt3y 0 pt4x 0 pt4y 0 ptex00 0 ptex01 0 ptex02 0 ptex03 0 ptex10 0 ptex11 0 ptex12 0 ptex13 0 ptex20 0 ptex21 0 ptex22 0 ptex23 0 ptex30 0 ptex31 0 ptex32 0 ptex33 0 ptof1x 0 ptof1y 0 ptof2x 0 ptof2y 0 ptof3x 0 ptof3y 0 ptof4x 0 ptof4y 0 pterr 0 ptrefset 0 ptmot x40800000 ptref 0}
{cubiccurve Bezier3 0 bezier
{f 8224}
{px x41400000
{xc3280000 xc2c40000}
{x43f50000 x43ca0000}
{x43280000 x42c40000}
{xc2380000 x42900000}
{x445b0000 x43e10000}
{x42380000 xc2900000}
{xc2d00000 0}
{x448ec000 x44070000}
{x42d00000 0}
{xc2840000 xc2000000}
{x44afc000 x43ae0000}
{x42840000 x42000000}
{x40800000 xc0000000}
{x44dfc000 x442b8000}
{xc0800000 x40000000}}}
{tx x41400000 0}
{a ro 0 go 0 bo 0 ao 0 mbo 0 mb 1 mbs x3f000000 mbsot 0 mbso 0 fo 1 fx 0 fy 0 ff 1 ft 0 osw x41200000 osf 0 str 1 ltn x41400000 ltm x41400000 pt 0 ab 1}}
{cubiccurve Bezier2 512 bezier
{f 8224}
{px x41400000
{xc3280000 xc2c40000}
{x43f50000 x43ca0000}
{x43280000 x42c40000}
{xc2380000 x42900000}
{x445b0000 x43e10000}
{x42380000 xc2900000}
{xc2d00000 0}
{x44834000 x43920000}
{x42d00000 0}
{xc2840000 xc2000000}
{x44afc000 x43ae0000}
{x42840000 x42000000}
{x40800000 xc0000000}
{x44dfc000 x442b8000}
{xc0800000 x40000000}}}
{tx x41400000 x448c4ccd x43da0000}
{a ro 0 go 0 bo 0 ao 0 mbo 0 mb 1 mbs x3f000000 mbsot 0 mbso 0 fo 1 fx 0 fy 0 ff 1 ft 0 osw x41200000 osf 0 str 1 ltn x41400000 ltm x41400000 pt 0 ab 1}}
{cubiccurve Bezier4 512 bezier
{f 8224}
{px x41400000
{0 0}
{x43f90000 x43fd0000}
{0 0}
{xc1000000 xc0000000}
{x44310000 x442d0000}
{x41000000 x40000000}
{xc1200000 x41000000}
{x44934000 x440a0000}
{x41200000 xc1000000}
{xc2780000 xc1d00000}
{x44a70000 x43d20000}
{x42780000 x41d00000}
{0 0}
{x44c5c000 x44308000}
{0 0}}}
{tx x41400000 x44848ccd x440fcccd}
{a ro 0 go 0 bo 0 ao 0 mbo 0 mb 1 mbs x3f000000 mbsot 0 mbso 0 fo 1 fx 0 fy 0 ff 1 ft 0 osw x41200000 osf 0 str 1 ltn x41400000 ltm x41400000 pt 0 ab 1}}
{cubiccurve Bezier1 512 bezier
{f 8224}
{px x41400000
{0 0}
{x43f90000 x43fd0000}
{0 0}
{xc1000000 xc0000000}
{x44310000 x442d0000}
{x41000000 x40000000}
{xc1200000 x41000000}
{x44c8ffff x444cffff}
{x41200000 xc1000000}
{xc2780000 xc1d00000}
{x44a70000 x43d20000}
{x42780000 x41d00000}
{0 0}
{x44c5c000 x44308000}
{0 0}}}
{tx x41400000 x44848ccd x440fcccd}
{a ro 0 go 0 bo 0 ao 0 mbo 0 mb 1 mbs x3f000000 mbsot 0 mbso 0 fo 1 fx 0 fy 0 ff 1 ft 0 osw x41200000 osf 0 str 1 ltn x41400000 ltm x41400000 pt 0 ab 1}}}}
{edge Bezier2 Bezier3
{cp x40800000 x40800000 0 0 0
{{{{x41400000 0}}
{{x41400000 0}}}
{{{x41400000 x3faaaaab}}
{{x41400000 x3faaaaab}}}
{{{x41400000 x402aaaab}}
{{x41400000 x402aaaab}}}
{{{x41400000 x40800000}}
{{x41400000 x40800000}}}}}
{edge Bezier1 Bezier4
{cp x40800000 x40800000 0 0 0
{{{{x41400000 0}}
{{x41400000 0}}}
{{{x41400000 x3faaaaab}}
{{x41400000 x3faaaaab}}}
{{{x41400000 x402aaaab}}
{{x41400000 x402aaaab}}}
{{{x41400000 x40800000}}
{{x41400000 x40800000}}}}}
toolbar_preview_mode "persistent preview"
name SplineWarp3_1
selected true
xpos 788
ypos 20
Group {
name UV_to_Vectors
help "Transforms a distorted UV Map to Motion Vectors corresponding to the distortion."
selected true
xpos 788
ypos 88
addUserKnob {20 UV_to_Vectors}
addUserKnob {41 in l UV_Layer t "Select the layer containing your UV_map" T}
addUserKnob {26 copyright l "" t +STARTLINE T "v1.0 – Part of VectorTools by Erwan Leroy – 2016"}
Input {
inputs 0
name Input1
xpos -291
ypos -63
set N8b7bb800 [stack 0] Shuffle {
in motion
name UV_Channel
selected true
xpos -151
ypos -17
Expression {
expr0 -x+r*width-0.5
expr1 -y+g*height-0.5
channel2 { none}
channel3 {none none none -rgba.alpha}
name UV_to_Vectors1
selected true
xpos -151
ypos 97
push $N8b7bb800
ShuffleCopy {
inputs 2
in2 none
red red
green green
alpha black
out {{{}}}
name ShuffleCopy1
selected true
xpos -291
ypos 97
Output {
name Output1
xpos -291
ypos 167
Blur {
size {{curve x1 0 x5 150 x8 500}}
name Blur3
selected true
xpos 788
ypos 135
set Nace2cc00 [stack 0] Group {
name Vectors_to_UV
selected true
xpos 788
ypos 197
addUserKnob {20 User}
addUserKnob {41 in l Vector_Layer t "Pick the layer containing your motion vectors." T}
addUserKnob {26 copyright l "" t +STARTLINE T "v1.0 – Part of VectorTools by Erwan Leroy – 2016"}
Input {
inputs 0
name Input1
xpos -303
ypos 114
set Nb9b27c00 [stack 0] Shuffle {
in motion
name UV_Channel
xpos -163
ypos 114
Expression {
expr0 (r+x+0.5)/width
expr1 (g+y+0.5)/height
channel2 { none}
channel3 {none none none -rgba.alpha}
name Vectors_to_UV
xpos -163
ypos 228
push $Nb9b27c00
ShuffleCopy {
inputs 2
in2 none
red red
green green
alpha black
out {{{}}}
name ShuffleCopy1
selected true
xpos -303
ypos 228
Output {
name Output1
xpos -303
ypos 299
Shuffle {
in motion
name Shuffle1
label "\[value in]"
selected true
xpos 788
ypos 231
push $Nace2c400
STMap {
inputs 2
uv rgba
name STMap1
selected true
xpos 926
ypos 231
push $Nace2cc00
push $Nace2c400
Dot {
name Dot5
selected true
xpos 1161
ypos -83
Copy {
inputs 2
from0 forward.u
to0 forward.u
from1 forward.v
to1 forward.v
name Copy2
selected true
xpos 1127
ypos 128
IDistort {
uv motion
name IDistort2
selected true
xpos 1127
ypos 233
StickyNote {
inputs 0
name StickyNote1
label "STMap seems to have slightly nicer filtering,\nIDistort offers controls to the UV scale (which can still be controled \nby multiplying down the vectors before converting back to UVs)"
selected true
xpos 867
ypos 295
3 – Background distortion
When working with refractive objects on green-screen, it’s common that the object would just refract green, which as a result would make the object purely transparent. An easy fix can be to generate just one frame of refractive distortion (through grid/spline warps, transforms, or a render from CG) then animate that “distortion shape”.

A manually generated distortion map
By converting the UV map to Vectors, like we did before for the relax, we are able to manipulate the distortion map, and on top of blurring or grading it like we did previously, we are also able to transform them. While a normal transform would give some results, the rotation wouldn’t act as expected. However, using the “VectorTransform” node, we are able to apply a proper transformation to the vectors.
Here’s the full script:
push $cut_paste_input
Roto {
output alpha
curves {{{v x3f99999a}
{f 0}
{layer Root
{f 2097152}
{t x44700000 x44070000}
{a fx xc2ac0000 fy xc2ac0000 pt1x 0 pt1y 0 pt2x 0 pt2y 0 pt3x 0 pt3y 0 pt4x 0 pt4y 0 ptex00 0 ptex01 0 ptex02 0 ptex03 0 ptex10 0 ptex11 0 ptex12 0 ptex13 0 ptex20 0 ptex21 0 ptex22 0 ptex23 0 ptex30 0 ptex31 0 ptex32 0 ptex33 0 ptof1x 0 ptof1y 0 ptof2x 0 ptof2y 0 ptof3x 0 ptof3y 0 ptof4x 0 ptof4y 0 pterr 0 ptrefset 0 ptmot x40800000 ptref 0}
{curvegroup BSpline4 512 bspline
{f 8192}
{px 1
{{a t
{{1 x3f808312}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x448a0000 x422f3f84}
{{a t
{{1 x3f810625}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x4488c000 x43048000}
{{a t
{{1 1}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x44860000 x437077cf}
{{a t
{{1 1}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x44874000 x43a86f1a}
{{a t
{{1 1}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x44884000 x43cb2353}
{{a t
{{1 x3f810625}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x44884000 x43e52a7e}
{{a t
{{1 x3f818937}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x44848000 x43f1b2af}
{{a t
{{1 1}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x44814000 x43e14f5b}
{{a t
{{1 1}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x44814000 x43b7dba5}
{{a t
{{1 x3f7ef9db}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x44820000 x438e67ef}
{{a t
{{1 1}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x4482c000 x43460d50}
{{a t
{{1 1}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x44828000 x42d6df3b}
{{a t
{{1 x3f78d4fe}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x44834000 x41e31a9f}}} idem}
{tx 1 x44526276 x438ad89e}
{a osw x41200000 osf 0 str 1 spx x44700000 spy x44070000 sb 1 tt x40c00000}}
{curvegroup BSpline3 512 bspline
{f 8192}
{px 1
{{a t
{{1 x3f7be76d}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x4473fffe x43f1b2ae}
{{a t
{{1 x3f7ef9db}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x447d0000 x43e80ed8}
{{a t
{{1 x3f810625}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x447f8000 x43d2d999}
{{a t
{{1 x3f808312}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x447d0000 x43a77851}
{{a t
{{1 1}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x447e8000 x4349e872}
{{a t
{{1 1}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x44808000 x42c3978d}
{{a t
{{1 x3f839581}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x4480c000 x421fd2f1}
{{a t
{{1 x3f820c4a}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x44758000 x41b4d4fd}
{{a t
{{1 x3f808312}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x44708000 x4289c083}
{{a t
{{1 1}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x44710000 x43235916}
{{a t
{{1 1}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x44710002 x43782e13}
{{a t
{{1 x3f808312}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x44720000 x43aa5caa}
{{a t
{{1 x3f808312}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x446efffe x43db86a6}}} idem}
{tx 1 x44641d8a x43810000}
{a osw x41200000 osf 0 str 1 spx x44700000 spy x44070000 sb 1 tt x40c00000}}
{curvegroup BSpline2 512 bspline
{f 8192}
{px 1
{{a t
{{1 x3f7be76d}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x44688002 x43f7ffff}
{{a t
{{1 x3f7ef9db}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x445f8000 x43ee0000}
{{a t
{{1 x3f810625}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x445d0000 x43d80000}
{{a t
{{1 x3f808312}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x445f8000 x43ab0000}
{{a t
{{1 1}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x445e0000 x434c0000}
{{a t
{{1 1}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x445b8000 x42c00000}
{{a t
{{1 x3f839581}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x445b0000 x42100000}
{{a t
{{1 x3f820c4a}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x44670000 x41900000}
{{a t
{{1 x3f808312}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x446c0000 x42840000}
{{a t
{{1 1}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x446b8000 x43240000}
{{a t
{{1 1}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x446b7ffe x437bffff}
{{a t
{{1 x3f808312}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x446a8000 x43adffff}
{{a t
{{1 x3f808312}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x446d8002 x43e0ffff}}} idem}
{tx 1 x44641d8a x43810000}
{a osw x41200000 osf 0 str 1 spx x44700000 spy x44070000 sb 1 tt x40c00000}}
{curvegroup BSpline1 512 bspline
{f 8192}
{px 1
{{a t
{{1 x3f808312}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x44488000 x42200008}
{{a t
{{1 x3f810625}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x444b0000 x43040000}
{{a t
{{1 1}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x44508000 x43740000}
{{a t
{{1 1}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x444e0000 x43ac0000}
{{a t
{{1 1}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x444c0000 x43d00000}
{{a t
{{1 x3f810625}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x444c0000 x43eb0000}
{{a t
{{1 x3f818937}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x44538000 x43f80000}
{{a t
{{1 1}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x445a0000 x43e70000}
{{a t
{{1 1}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x445a0000 x43bc0000}
{{a t
{{1 x3f7ef9db}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x44588000 x43910000}
{{a t
{{1 1}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x44570000 x43480000}
{{a t
{{1 1}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x44578000 x42d40000}
{{a t
{{1 x3f78d4fe}} rp
{{1 1}} te
{{1 x40800000}}} x44560000 x41c00000}}} idem}
{tx 1 x44526276 x438ad89e}
{a osw x41200000 osf 0 str 1 spx x44700000 spy x44070000 sb 1 tt x40c00000}}}}}}
toolbox {selectAll {
{ selectAll str 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 }
{ createBezier str 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 tt 4 }
{ createBezierCusped str 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }
{ createBSpline str 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 tt 6 }
{ createEllipse str 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }
{ createRectangle str 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }
{ createRectangleCusped str 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 tt 9 }
{ brush str 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }
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name RotoPaint1
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xpos 1505
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red alpha
green alpha
blue alpha
name Shuffle3
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xpos 1505
ypos 84
CheckerBoard2 {
inputs 0
name CheckerBoard2
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addUserKnob {26 copyright l "" t +STARTLINE T "v1.0 – Part of VectorTools by Erwan Leroy – 2016"}
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expr0 (x+0.5)/width
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expr1 (y+.5)/height
channel2 { none}
name Expression1
xpos 672
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push $Nbd957000
ShuffleCopy {
inputs 2
in2 none
red red
green green
alpha black
out motion
name ShuffleCopy1
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name Output1
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{ {1 {curve L x1 960} {curve L x1 540}} { {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 89.64001465}} {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 -89.63998413}} {1 {curve L x1 98.39013672} {curve L x1 0}} {1 {curve L x1 -98.39007568} {curve L x1 0}} } }
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{ {1 {curve L x1 369.6594849} {curve L x1 1077.839966}} { {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 89.64001465}} {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 -89.63995361}} {1 {curve L x1 98.39007568} {curve L x1 0}} {1 {curve L x1 -98.39007568} {curve L x1 0}} } }
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{ {1 {curve L x1 960} {curve L x1 1077.839966}} { {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 89.64001465}} {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 -89.63995361}} {1 {curve L x1 98.39013672} {curve L x1 0}} {1 {curve L x1 -98.39007568} {curve L x1 0}} } }
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{ {1 {curve L x1 1114} {curve L x1 41}} { {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 84.78513336}} {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 -84.78514099}} {1 {curve L x1 29.29199219} {curve L x1 -9.829267502}} {1 {curve L x1 -9.079223633} {curve L x1 3.035463333}} } }
{ {1 {curve L x1 812.4295044} {curve L x1 294.740509}} { {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 84.78512573}} {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 -84.78514099}} {1 {curve L x1 4.086120605} {curve L x1 -1.740509033}} {1 {curve L x1 -29.16442871} {curve L x1 12.34146118}} } }
{ {1 {curve L x1 846.1616211} {curve L x1 280}} { {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 84.78515625}} {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 -84.78512573}} {1 {curve L x1 29.51220703} {curve L x1 0}} {1 {curve L x1 -29.51220703} {curve L x1 0}} } }
{ {1 {curve L x1 961} {curve L x1 278}} { {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 84.78512573}} {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 -84.78514099}} {1 {curve L x1 29.51220703} {curve L x1 0}} {1 {curve L x1 -29.51220703} {curve L x1 0}} } }
{ {1 {curve L x1 1062.101563} {curve L x1 276}} { {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 84.78509521}} {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 -84.78514099}} {1 {curve L x1 29.51220703} {curve L x1 0}} {1 {curve L x1 -29.51220703} {curve L x1 0}} } }
{ {1 {curve L x1 1097.237549} {curve L x1 271}} { {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 84.78509521}} {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 -84.78515625}} {1 {curve L x1 29.5123291} {curve L x1 0.01159667969}} {1 {curve L x1 -9.149902344} {curve L x1 0}} } }
{ {1 {curve L x1 792.906189} {curve L x1 537.8319702}} { {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 99.0289917}} {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 -99.02905273}} {1 {curve L x1 3.093078613} {curve L x1 -3.503967285}} {1 {curve L x1 -26.28997803} {curve L x1 29.78088379}} } }
{ {1 {curve L x1 824.8679199} {curve L x1 540.1679688}} { {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 99.0289917}} {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 -99.02905273}} {1 {curve L x1 27.71191406} {curve L x1 0}} {1 {curve L x1 -27.7119751} {curve L x1 0}} } }
{ {1 {curve L x1 959.5880737} {curve L x1 539.7888184}} { {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 99.0289917}} {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 -99.02905273}} {1 {curve L x1 27.7119751} {curve L x1 0}} {1 {curve L x1 -27.71191406} {curve L x1 0}} } }
{ {1 {curve L x1 1088.122192} {curve L x1 540.1679688}} { {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 99.0289917}} {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 -99.02905273}} {1 {curve L x1 27.71191406} {curve L x1 0}} {1 {curve L x1 -27.71203613} {curve L x1 0}} } }
{ {1 {curve L x1 1125.238892} {curve L x1 540.1679688}} { {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 99.0289917}} {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 -99.02905273}} {1 {curve L x1 27.53100586} {curve L x1 -10.74963379}} {1 {curve L x1 -8.935424805} {curve L x1 3.50402832}} } }
{ {1 {curve L x1 884.5} {curve L x1 802.5}} { {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 77.74786377}} {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 -77.74804688}} {1 {curve L x1 14.57897949} {curve L x1 0}} {1 {curve L x1 -14.57904053} {curve L x1 0}} } }
{ {1 {curve L x1 915.8845215} {curve L x1 804.5865479}} { {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 77.74786377}} {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 -77.74804688}} {1 {curve L x1 14.57897949} {curve L x1 0}} {1 {curve L x1 -14.57904053} {curve L x1 0}} } }
{ {1 {curve L x1 959.621582} {curve L x1 804.5865479}} { {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 77.74786377}} {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 -77.74804688}} {1 {curve L x1 14.57904053} {curve L x1 0}} {1 {curve L x1 -14.57904053} {curve L x1 0}} } }
{ {1 {curve L x1 1015.253601} {curve L x1 802}} { {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 77.74786377}} {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 -77.74804688}} {1 {curve L x1 14.57891846} {curve L x1 0}} {1 {curve L x1 -14.57904053} {curve L x1 0}} } }
{ {1 {curve L x1 1032.5} {curve L x1 801}} { {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 77.74786377}} {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 -77.74804688}} {1 {curve L x1 14.46630859} {curve L x1 -4.940673828}} {1 {curve L x1 -8.784057617} {curve L x1 3}} } }
{ {1 {curve L x1 872.5258789} {curve L x1 905}} { {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 77.74804688}} {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 -77.7479248}} {1 {curve L x1 14.57897949} {curve L x1 0}} {1 {curve L x1 -14.57904053} {curve L x1 0}} } }
{ {1 {curve L x1 916.2629395} {curve L x1 905}} { {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 77.74804688}} {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 -77.7479248}} {1 {curve L x1 14.57897949} {curve L x1 0}} {1 {curve L x1 -14.57904053} {curve L x1 0}} } }
{ {1 {curve L x1 960} {curve L x1 905}} { {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 77.74804688}} {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 -77.7479248}} {1 {curve L x1 14.57904053} {curve L x1 0}} {1 {curve L x1 -14.57904053} {curve L x1 0}} } }
{ {1 {curve L x1 1015.632019} {curve L x1 906.1696777}} { {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 77.74804688}} {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 -77.7479248}} {1 {curve L x1 14.57891846} {curve L x1 0}} {1 {curve L x1 -14.57904053} {curve L x1 0}} } }
{ {1 {curve L x1 1048.572021} {curve L x1 905.1696777}} { {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 77.74804688}} {1 {curve L x1 0} {curve L x1 -77.7479248}} {1 {curve L x1 14.47912598} {curve L x1 -4.652832031}} {1 {curve L x1 -6.222045898} {curve L x1 2}} } }
grids_manually_moved true
source_grid_transform_center {960 540}
destination_grid_transform_center {960 540}
name GridWarp3_1
selected true
xpos 1628
ypos -79
Group {
name UV_to_Vectors1
help "Transforms a distorted UV Map to Motion Vectors corresponding to the distortion."
selected true
xpos 1628
ypos -15
addUserKnob {20 UV_to_Vectors}
addUserKnob {41 in l UV_Layer t "Select the layer containing your UV_map" T}
addUserKnob {26 copyright l "" t +STARTLINE T "v1.0 – Part of VectorTools by Erwan Leroy – 2016"}
Input {
inputs 0
name Input1
xpos -291
ypos -63
set Na637f000 [stack 0] Shuffle {
in motion
name UV_Channel
selected true
xpos -151
ypos -17
Expression {
expr0 -x+r*width-0.5
expr1 -y+g*height-0.5
channel2 { none}
channel3 {none none none -rgba.alpha}
name UV_to_Vectors1
selected true
xpos -151
ypos 97
push $Na637f000
ShuffleCopy {
inputs 2
in2 none
red red
green green
alpha black
out {{{}}}
name ShuffleCopy1
selected true
xpos -291
ypos 97
Output {
name Output1
xpos -291
ypos 167
Shuffle {
in motion
name Shuffle2
label "\[value in]"
selected true
xpos 1628
ypos 33
Grade {
inputs 1+1
white 5
black_clamp false
name Grade1
selected true
xpos 1628
ypos 84
Group {
name VectorTransform
help "Transforms an image assuming it is a motion vector in RGBA.\nCompared to a regular transform, this will edit the pixel colors to compensate for vector direction and magnitude."
selected true
xpos 1628
ypos 123
addUserKnob {20 transform l "Transform Vectors"}
addUserKnob {41 matrix T Transform1.matrix}
addUserKnob {41 translate T Transform1.translate}
addUserKnob {41 rotate T Transform1.rotate}
addUserKnob {41 scale T Transform1.scale}
addUserKnob {41 skewX l "skew X" T Transform1.skewX}
addUserKnob {41 skewY l "skew Y" T Transform1.skewY}
addUserKnob {41 skew_order l "skew order" T Transform1.skew_order}
addUserKnob {41 center T}
addUserKnob {41 invert_matrix l invert T Transform1.invert_matrix}
addUserKnob {41 filter T Transform1.filter}
addUserKnob {41 clamp -STARTLINE T Transform1.clamp}
addUserKnob {41 black_outside l "black outside" -STARTLINE T Transform1.black_outside}
addUserKnob {41 motionblur T Transform1.motionblur}
addUserKnob {41 shutter T Transform1.shutter}
addUserKnob {41 shutteroffset l "shutter offset" T Transform1.shutteroffset}
addUserKnob {41 shuttercustomoffset l "" -STARTLINE T Transform1.shuttercustomoffset}
addUserKnob {26 copyright l "" t +STARTLINE T "v1.0 – Part of VectorTools by Erwan Leroy – 2016"}
Input {
inputs 0
name Vectors
xpos -482
ypos -5
Expression {
expr0 r*Transform1.scale.w
expr1 g*Transform1.scale.h
name Magnitude
selected true
xpos -482
ypos 35
Expression {
temp_name0 angleRad
temp_expr0 radians(Transform1.rotate)
expr0 "r * cos(angleRad) – g * sin(angleRad)"
expr1 "r * sin(angleRad) + g * cos(angleRad)"
name Direction
selected true
xpos -482
ypos 62
Transform {
translate {{curve x1 -626 x10 -550} {curve x1 -104 x10 -24}}
rotate {{curve x1 0 x10 -82.11540222}}
scale 0.6949999928
center {1480 472}
name Transform1
xpos -482
ypos 96
Output {
name Output1
xpos -482
ypos 196
Group {
name Vectors_to_UV1
selected true
xpos 1628
ypos 156
addUserKnob {20 User}
addUserKnob {41 in l Vector_Layer t "Pick the layer containing your motion vectors." T}
addUserKnob {26 copyright l "" t +STARTLINE T "v1.0 – Part of VectorTools by Erwan Leroy – 2016"}
Input {
inputs 0
name Input1
xpos -303
ypos 114
set Na70bfc00 [stack 0] Shuffle {
name UV_Channel
xpos -163
ypos 114
Expression {
expr0 (r+x+0.5)/width
expr1 (g+y+0.5)/height
channel2 { none}
channel3 {none none none -rgba.alpha}
name Vectors_to_UV
xpos -163
ypos 228
push $Na70bfc00
ShuffleCopy {
inputs 2
in2 none
red red
green green
alpha black
out {{{}}}
name ShuffleCopy1
selected true
xpos -303
ypos 228
Output {
name Output1
xpos -303
ypos 299
Dot {
name Dot7
selected true
xpos 1662
ypos 197
push $Nbca57400
STMap {
inputs 2
uv rgba
name STMap2
selected true
xpos 1832
ypos 187
4 – Custom Motion Blur
Finally, another useful way to use these tools is to create a custom motion blur.
By drawing the movement as a splineWarp, I’m able to once again convert the distortion to Vectors, which will then be used for VectorBlur.
set cut_paste_input [stack 0] version 9.0 v8 Read { inputs 0 file F:/test_footage/baseball-731103_960_720.jpg format "941 720 0 0 941 720 1 " origset true name Read1 selected true xpos 2246 ypos -173 } Dot { name Dot8 selected true xpos 2280 ypos -87 } set Na0ca7000 [stack 0] Group { name UV_Map_Layer2 selected true xpos 2246 ypos -46 addUserKnob {20 UVMap l "UV Map"} addUserKnob {41 out l UV_Layer T ShuffleCopy1.out} addUserKnob {26 copyright l "" t +STARTLINE T "v1.0 - Part of VectorTools by Erwan Leroy - 2016"} } Input { inputs 0 name Input1 xpos 555 ypos 346 } set Na27e5000 [stack 0] Expression { expr0 (x+0.5)/width channel1 { none} expr1 (y+.5)/height channel2 { none} name Expression1 xpos 672 ypos 424 } push $Na27e5000 ShuffleCopy { inputs 2 in2 none red red green green alpha black out motion name ShuffleCopy1 xpos 555 ypos 427 } Output { name Output1 xpos 555 ypos 511 } end_group SplineWarp3 { colorOverlay {0 0 0 0} curves {{{v x3f99999a} {f 0} {n {layer Root {f 2097152} {t x43eb4000 x43b40000} {a pt1x 0 pt1y 0 pt2x 0 pt2y 0 pt3x 0 pt3y 0 pt4x 0 pt4y 0 ptex00 0 ptex01 0 ptex02 0 ptex03 0 ptex10 0 ptex11 0 ptex12 0 ptex13 0 ptex20 0 ptex21 0 ptex22 0 ptex23 0 ptex30 0 ptex31 0 ptex32 0 ptex33 0 ptof1x 0 ptof1y 0 ptof2x 0 ptof2y 0 ptof3x 0 ptof3y 0 ptof4x 0 ptof4y 0 pterr 0 ptrefset 0 ptmot x40800000 ptref 0} {cubiccurve Pin28 262656 bezier {cc {f 8224} {px 1 {0 0} {x4419c000 x4423a000} {0 0}}} {tx 1 x4419c000 x4423a000} {a ro 0 go 0 bo 0 ao 0 mbo 0 mb 1 mbs x3f000000 mbsot 0 mbso 0 fo 1 fx 0 fy 0 ff 1 ft 0 osw x41200000 osf 0 str 1 pt 0 ab 1}} {cubiccurve Pin27 262656 bezier {cc {f 8224} {px 1 {0 0} {x4419c000 x4423a000} {0 0}}} {tx 1 x4419c000 x4423a000} {a ro 0 go 0 bo 0 ao 0 mbo 0 mb 1 mbs x3f000000 mbsot 0 mbso 0 fo 1 fx 0 fy 0 ff 1 ft 0 osw x41200000 osf 0 str 1 pt 0 ab 1}} {cubiccurve Pin26 262656 bezier {cc {f 8224} {px 1 {0 0} {x44122000 x44200000} {0 0}}} {tx 1 x44122000 x44200000} {a ro 0 go 0 bo 0 ao 0 mbo 0 mb 1 mbs x3f000000 mbsot 0 mbso 0 fo 1 fx 0 fy 0 ff 1 ft 0 osw x41200000 osf 0 str 1 pt 0 ab 1}} {cubiccurve Pin25 262656 bezier {cc {f 8224} {px 1 {0 0} {x44122000 x44200000} {0 0}}} {tx 1 x44122000 x44200000} {a ro 0 go 0 bo 0 ao 0 mbo 0 mb 1 mbs x3f000000 mbsot 0 mbso 0 fo 1 fx 0 fy 0 ff 1 ft 0 osw x41200000 osf 0 str 1 pt 0 ab 1}} {cubiccurve Pin24 262656 bezier {cc {f 8224} {px 1 {0 0} {x4410e000 x4415e000} {0 0}}} {tx 1 x4410e000 x4415e000} {a ro 0 go 0 bo 0 ao 0 mbo 0 mb 1 mbs x3f000000 mbsot 0 mbso 0 fo 1 fx 0 fy 0 ff 1 ft 0 osw x41200000 osf 0 str 1 pt 0 ab 1}} {cubiccurve Pin23 262656 bezier {cc {f 8224} {px 1 {0 0} {x4410e000 x4415e000} {0 0}}} {tx 1 x4410e000 x4415e000} {a ro 0 go 0 bo 0 ao 0 mbo 0 mb 1 mbs x3f000000 mbsot 0 mbso 0 fo 1 fx 0 fy 0 ff 1 ft 0 osw x41200000 osf 0 str 1 pt 0 ab 1}} {cubiccurve Pin22 262656 bezier {cc {f 8224} {px 1 {0 0} {x44318000 x441c4000} {0 0}}} {tx 1 x44318000 x441c4000} {a ro 0 go 0 bo 0 ao 0 mbo 0 mb 1 mbs x3f000000 mbsot 0 mbso 0 fo 1 fx 0 fy 0 ff 1 ft 0 osw x41200000 osf 0 str 1 pt 0 ab 1}} {cubiccurve Pin21 262656 bezier {cc {f 8224} {px 1 {0 0} {x44318000 x441c4000} {0 0}}} {tx 1 x44318000 x441c4000} {a ro 0 go 0 bo 0 ao 0 mbo 0 mb 1 mbs x3f000000 mbsot 0 mbso 0 fo 1 fx 0 fy 0 ff 1 ft 0 osw x41200000 osf 0 str 1 pt 0 ab 1}} {cubiccurve Pin20 262656 bezier {cc {f 8224} {px 1 {0 0} {x441ca000 x442aa000} {0 0}}} {tx 1 x441ca000 x442aa000} {a ro 0 go 0 bo 0 ao 0 mbo 0 mb 1 mbs x3f000000 mbsot 0 mbso 0 fo 1 fx 0 fy 0 ff 1 ft 0 osw x41200000 osf 0 str 1 pt 0 ab 1}} {cubiccurve Pin19 262656 bezier {cc {f 8224} {px 1 {0 0} {x441ca000 x442aa000} {0 0}}} {tx 1 x441ca000 x442aa000} {a ro 0 go 0 bo 0 ao 0 mbo 0 mb 1 mbs x3f000000 mbsot 0 mbso 0 fo 1 fx 0 fy 0 ff 1 ft 0 osw x41200000 osf 0 str 1 pt 0 ab 1}} {cubiccurve Pin18 262656 bezier {cc {f 8224} {px 1 {0 0} {x44056000 x4413c000} {0 0}}} {tx 1 x44056000 x4413c000} {a ro 0 go 0 bo 0 ao 0 mbo 0 mb 1 mbs x3f000000 mbsot 0 mbso 0 fo 1 fx 0 fy 0 ff 1 ft 0 osw x41200000 osf 0 str 1 pt 0 ab 1}} {cubiccurve Pin17 262656 bezier {cc {f 8224} {px 1 {0 0} {x44056000 x4413c000} {0 0}}} {tx 1 x44056000 x4413c000} {a ro 0 go 0 bo 0 ao 0 mbo 0 mb 1 mbs x3f000000 mbsot 0 mbso 0 fo 1 fx 0 fy 0 ff 1 ft 0 osw x41200000 osf 0 str 1 pt 0 ab 1}} {cubiccurve Pin16 262656 bezier {cc {f 8224} {px 1 {0 0} {x44094000 x441f2000} {0 0}}} {tx 1 x44094000 x441f2000} {a ro 0 go 0 bo 0 ao 0 mbo 0 mb 1 mbs x3f000000 mbsot 0 mbso 0 fo 1 fx 0 fy 0 ff 1 ft 0 osw x41200000 osf 0 str 1 pt 0 ab 1}} {cubiccurve Pin15 262656 bezier {cc {f 8224} {px 1 {0 0} {x44094000 x441f2000} {0 0}}} {tx 1 x44094000 x441f2000} {a ro 0 go 0 bo 0 ao 0 mbo 0 mb 1 mbs x3f000000 mbsot 0 mbso 0 fo 1 fx 0 fy 0 ff 1 ft 0 osw x41200000 osf 0 str 1 pt 0 ab 1}} {cubiccurve Pin14 262656 bezier {cc {f 8224} {px 1 {0 0} {x44336000 x44092000} {0 0}}} {tx 1 x44336000 x44092000} {a ro 0 go 0 bo 0 ao 0 mbo 0 mb 1 mbs x3f000000 mbsot 0 mbso 0 fo 1 fx 0 fy 0 ff 1 ft 0 osw x41200000 osf 0 str 1 pt 0 ab 1}} {cubiccurve Pin13 262656 bezier {cc {f 8224} {px 1 {0 0} {x44336000 x44092000} {0 0}}} {tx 1 x44336000 x44092000} {a ro 0 go 0 bo 0 ao 0 mbo 0 mb 1 mbs x3f000000 mbsot 0 mbso 0 fo 1 fx 0 fy 0 ff 1 ft 0 osw x41200000 osf 0 str 1 pt 0 ab 1}} {cubiccurve Pin12 262656 bezier {cc {f 8224} {px 1 {0 0} {x44224000 x43d84000} {0 0}}} {tx 1 x44224000 x43d84000} {a ro 0 go 0 bo 0 ao 0 mbo 0 mb 1 mbs x3f000000 mbsot 0 mbso 0 fo 1 fx 0 fy 0 ff 1 ft 0 osw x41200000 osf 0 str 1 pt 0 ab 1}} {cubiccurve Pin11 262656 bezier {cc {f 8224} {px 1 {0 0} {x44224000 x43d84000} {0 0}}} {tx 1 x44224000 x43d84000} {a ro 0 go 0 bo 0 ao 0 mbo 0 mb 1 mbs x3f000000 mbsot 0 mbso 0 fo 1 fx 0 fy 0 ff 1 ft 0 osw x41200000 osf 0 str 1 pt 0 ab 1}} {cubiccurve Pin10 262656 bezier {cc {f 8224} {px 1 {0 0} {x440f2000 x4382c000} {0 0}}} {tx 1 x440f2000 x4382c000} {a ro 0 go 0 bo 0 ao 0 mbo 0 mb 1 mbs x3f000000 mbsot 0 mbso 0 fo 1 fx 0 fy 0 ff 1 ft 0 osw x41200000 osf 0 str 1 pt 0 ab 1}} {cubiccurve Pin9 262656 bezier {cc {f 8224} {px 1 {0 0} {x440f2000 x4382c000} {0 0}}} {tx 1 x440f2000 x4382c000} {a ro 0 go 0 bo 0 ao 0 mbo 0 mb 1 mbs x3f000000 mbsot 0 mbso 0 fo 1 fx 0 fy 0 ff 1 ft 0 osw x41200000 osf 0 str 1 pt 0 ab 1}} {cubiccurve Pin8 262656 bezier {cc {f 8224} {px 1 {0 0} {x44070000 x43ad4000} {0 0}}} {tx 1 x44070000 x43ad4000} {a ro 0 go 0 bo 0 ao 0 mbo 0 mb 1 mbs x3f000000 mbsot 0 mbso 0 fo 1 fx 0 fy 0 ff 1 ft 0 osw x41200000 osf 0 str 1 pt 0 ab 1}} {cubiccurve Pin7 262656 bezier {cc {f 8224} {px 1 {0 0} {x44070000 x43ad4000} {0 0}}} {tx 1 x44070000 x43ad4000} {a ro 0 go 0 bo 0 ao 0 mbo 0 mb 1 mbs x3f000000 mbsot 0 mbso 0 fo 1 fx 0 fy 0 ff 1 ft 0 osw x41200000 osf 0 str 1 pt 0 ab 1}} {cubiccurve Pin6 262656 bezier {cc {f 8224} {px 1 {0 0} {x44044000 x43e30000} {0 0}}} {tx 1 x44044000 x43e30000} {a ro 0 go 0 bo 0 ao 0 mbo 0 mb 1 mbs x3f000000 mbsot 0 mbso 0 fo 1 fx 0 fy 0 ff 1 ft 0 osw x41200000 osf 0 str 1 pt 0 ab 1}} {cubiccurve Pin5 262656 bezier {cc {f 8224} {px 1 {0 0} {x44044000 x43e30000} {0 0}}} {tx 1 x44044000 x43e30000} {a ro 0 go 0 bo 0 ao 0 mbo 0 mb 1 mbs x3f000000 mbsot 0 mbso 0 fo 1 fx 0 fy 0 ff 1 ft 0 osw x41200000 osf 0 str 1 pt 0 ab 1}} {cubiccurve Pin4 262656 bezier {cc {f 8224} {px 1 {0 0} {x4409e000 x440b2000} {0 0}}} {tx 1 x4409e000 x440b2000} {a ro 0 go 0 bo 0 ao 0 mbo 0 mb 1 mbs x3f000000 mbsot 0 mbso 0 fo 1 fx 0 fy 0 ff 1 ft 0 osw x41200000 osf 0 str 1 pt 0 ab 1}} {cubiccurve Pin3 262656 bezier {cc {f 8224} {px 1 {0 0} {x4409e000 x440b2000} {0 0}}} {tx 1 x4409e000 x440b2000} {a ro 0 go 0 bo 0 ao 0 mbo 0 mb 1 mbs x3f000000 mbsot 0 mbso 0 fo 1 fx 0 fy 0 ff 1 ft 0 osw x41200000 osf 0 str 1 pt 0 ab 1}} {cubiccurve Pin2 262656 bezier {cc {f 8224} {px 1 {0 0} {x43f8c000 x4419a000} {0 0}}} {tx 1 x43f8c000 x4419a000} {a ro 0 go 0 bo 0 ao 0 mbo 0 mb 1 mbs x3f000000 mbsot 0 mbso 0 fo 1 fx 0 fy 0 ff 1 ft 0 osw x41200000 osf 0 str 1 pt 0 ab 1}} {cubiccurve Pin1 262656 bezier {cc {f 8224} {px 1 {0 0} {x43f8c000 x4419a000} {0 0}}} {tx 1 x43f8c000 x4419a000} {a ro 0 go 0 bo 0 ao 0 mbo 0 mb 1 mbs x3f000000 mbsot 0 mbso 0 fo 1 fx 0 fy 0 ff 1 ft 0 osw x41200000 osf 0 str 1 pt 0 ab 1}} {cubiccurve Bezier2 0 bezier {cc {f 8224} {px 1 {xc0a00000 xc0733300} {x4410e800 x4406b99a} {x40a00000 x40733300} {xc031d500 xc0991100} {x44143429 x440a7b5c} {x4031d400 x40991000} {xbf81cc00 xc00e2200} {x44172e13 x4411c53e} {x3f81ce00 x400e1e00} {x3e149000 xbf496000} {x4417d3f1 x4413c568} {xbe149000 x3f496800} {x3fe9e600 xbf8b1800} {x4414e982 x44158578} {xbfe9e800 x3f8b1800} {xbfaf8200 xc01f5c00} {x4414284f x4416db4c} {x3faf8200 x401f5c00} {x3e744000 xc0196200} {x4414efeb x4419cbfc} {xbe744000 x40196000} {xbf9da800 xbf853400} {x4416681c x441c4e0e} {x3f9daa00 x3f853400} {x3e949000 xbfc96800} {x44184868 x441d28ca} {xbe949000 x3fc96400} {xbfd1f800 xc0088200} {x44185b81 x441f8308} {x3fd1f800 x40088200} {xbf3c3000 x3f2d8800} {x441a2745 x44203ff4} {x3f3c3000 xbf2d9000} {xbf25b000 x3fa6f000} {x441af874 x441d3286} {x3f25b000 xbfa6f000} {xbfd75200 x3e998000} {x441c20ee x441d4228} {x3fd75600 xbe999000} {xbeb9b000 x3ffbc000} {x441d4c74 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{x3fcccc00 xbfb33400} {x441a8000 x44153333} {xbfcccc00 x3fb33400} {xbfe66600 xc00ccd00} {x441a0000 x4416a666} {x3fe66600 x400ccd00} {xbe4cd000 xc0199a00} {x441b4ccd x44196666} {x3e4cd000 x40199a00} {xbfb33400 xbf4ccc00} {x441d3333 x441b999a} {x3fb33400 x3f4ccc00} {0 xbfcccc00} {x441f3333 x441c199a} {0 x3fcccc00} {xc0000000 xbfe66800} {x441fb333 x441e6666} {x40000000 x3fe66800} {xbf199800 x3f4ccc00} {x4421999a x441ecccd} {x3f199800 xbf4ccc00} {xbeccc800 x3fb33200} {x4421d99a x441ba666} {x3eccc800 xbfb33200} {xbfcccc00 x3f199800} {x44230000 x441b8000} {x3fcccc00 xbf199800} {0 x40000000} {x4423f333 x441a3333} {0 xc0000000} {xbfb33200 x3fb33400} {x44248ccd x44188ccd} {x3fb33200 xbfb33400} {0 x40733300} {x4425d99a x4415f333} {0 xc0733300} {x40400000 x40266600} {x44254000 x4411e666} {xc0400000 xc0266600} {x3f4ccc00 x40400000} {x44232666 x440fb333} {xbf4ccc00 xc0400000} {x40599900 x40e00000} {x441f6666 x44064000} {xc0599900 xc0e00000} {x40b99980 x40ecccc0} {x441acccd x43fd3333} {xc0b99980 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{a}} {edge Pin20 Pin19 {cp 0 0 0 0 0 {{{{1 x3f000000}} {{1 x3f000000}}} {{{1 x3f000000}} {{1 x3f000000}}} {{{1 x3f000000}} {{1 x3f000000}}} {{{1 x3f000000}} {{1 x3f000000}}}}} {a}} {edge Pin18 Pin17 {cp 0 0 0 0 0 {{{{1 x3f000000}} {{1 x3f000000}}} {{{1 x3f000000}} {{1 x3f000000}}} {{{1 x3f000000}} {{1 x3f000000}}} {{{1 x3f000000}} {{1 x3f000000}}}}} {a}} {edge Pin16 Pin15 {cp 0 0 0 0 0 {{{{1 x3f000000}} {{1 x3f000000}}} {{{1 x3f000000}} {{1 x3f000000}}} {{{1 x3f000000}} {{1 x3f000000}}} {{{1 x3f000000}} {{1 x3f000000}}}}} {a}} {edge Pin14 Pin13 {cp 0 0 0 0 0 {{{{1 x3f000000}} {{1 x3f000000}}} {{{1 x3f000000}} {{1 x3f000000}}} {{{1 x3f000000}} {{1 x3f000000}}} {{{1 x3f000000}} {{1 x3f000000}}}}} {a}} {edge Pin12 Pin11 {cp 0 0 0 0 0 {{{{1 x3f000000}} {{1 x3f000000}}} {{{1 x3f000000}} {{1 x3f000000}}} {{{1 x3f000000}} {{1 x3f000000}}} {{{1 x3f000000}} {{1 x3f000000}}}}} {a}} {edge Pin10 Pin9 {cp 0 0 0 0 0 {{{{1 x3f000000}} {{1 x3f000000}}} {{{1 x3f000000}} {{1 x3f000000}}} {{{1 x3f000000}} {{1 x3f000000}}} {{{1 x3f000000}} {{1 x3f000000}}}}} {a}} {edge Pin8 Pin7 {cp 0 0 0 0 0 {{{{1 x3f000000}} {{1 x3f000000}}} {{{1 x3f000000}} {{1 x3f000000}}} {{{1 x3f000000}} {{1 x3f000000}}} {{{1 x3f000000}} {{1 x3f000000}}}}} {a}} {edge Pin6 Pin5 {cp 0 0 0 0 0 {{{{1 x3f000000}} {{1 x3f000000}}} {{{1 x3f000000}} {{1 x3f000000}}} {{{1 x3f000000}} {{1 x3f000000}}} {{{1 x3f000000}} {{1 x3f000000}}}}} {a}} {edge Pin4 Pin3 {cp 0 0 0 0 0 {{{{1 x3f000000}} {{1 x3f000000}}} {{{1 x3f000000}} {{1 x3f000000}}} {{{1 x3f000000}} {{1 x3f000000}}} {{{1 x3f000000}} {{1 x3f000000}}}}} {a}} {edge Pin2 Pin1 {cp 0 0 0 0 0 {{{{1 x3f000000}} {{1 x3f000000}}} {{{1 x3f000000}} {{1 x3f000000}}} {{{1 x3f000000}} {{1 x3f000000}}} {{{1 x3f000000}} {{1 x3f000000}}}}} {a}} {edge Bezier1 Bezier2 {cp x41a80000 x41a80000 0 0 0 {{{{1 0}} {{1 0}}} {{{1 x40e00000}} {{1 x40e00000}}} {{{1 x41600000}} {{1 x41600000}}} {{{1 x41a80000}} {{1 x41a80000}}}}} {a}}}} toolbar_preview_mode "persistent preview" name SplineWarp3_2 selected true xpos 2246 } Group { name UV_to_Vectors2 help "Transforms a distorted UV Map to Motion Vectors corresponding to the distortion." selected true xpos 2246 ypos 64 addUserKnob {20 UV_to_Vectors} addUserKnob {41 in l UV_Layer t "Select the layer containing your UV_map" T} addUserKnob {26 copyright l "" t +STARTLINE T "v1.0 - Part of VectorTools by Erwan Leroy - 2016"} } Input { inputs 0 name Input1 xpos -291 ypos -63 } set N7c6dbc00 [stack 0] Shuffle { in motion name UV_Channel selected true xpos -151 ypos -17 } Expression { expr0 -x+r*width-0.5 expr1 -y+g*height-0.5 channel2 { none} channel3 {none none none -rgba.alpha} name UV_to_Vectors1 selected true xpos -151 ypos 97 } push $N7c6dbc00 ShuffleCopy { inputs 2 in2 none red red green green alpha black out {{{}}} name ShuffleCopy1 selected true xpos -291 ypos 97 } Output { name Output1 xpos -291 ypos 167 } end_group push $Na0ca7000 Dot { name Dot9 selected true xpos 2423 ypos -87 } Copy { inputs 2 from0 forward.u to0 forward.u from1 forward.v to1 forward.v name Copy3 selected true xpos 2389 ypos 51 } VectorBlur { uv motion name VectorBlur1 selected true xpos 2389 ypos 135 }
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You are Amazing
that ‘s cool !,
thank you it was interesting to read the first part and the second